Fortunately, I am here to tell you that choosing a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet will help anyone to naturally lose weight, WITHOUT BEING HUNGRY!! I know just about all the fad diets that are out there state those same words, but, I've been on every diet known to man and believe me, you get hungry, you have to measure this, weigh that, count this fat/carb/calorie, etc. You don't have to count anything when eating a WFPB diet, NOTHING!
The "magic" is just eat as close to nature as you can. Foods without nutritional labels and ingredients lists. Whole-plant foods are ideal for weight loss. They are naturally nutrient dense, (packed with nutrition), and are high in fiber and water content. They contain the perfect nutrient profile: carbs to protein to fat. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans are high if fiber, water, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals (remember, they get rid of the free radicals wrecking havoc on our bodies), antioxidants, and yet low in calories. They give you the most nutritional bang for you buck! Now animal products and processed foods on the other hand, have the highest calories and lowest nutritional density.
Together, fiber and water make up bulk giving you a full feeling. Research has shown repeatedly that consuming fiber helps more than any other factor when it comes to losing weight. A WFPB diet is loaded with fiber which enables you to safely and healthfully attain your weight loss goals. Fiber will never let you down!
There is a boat load of evidence out there showing that a diet low in fat naturally leads to weight loss when compared to higher fat intakes. One gram of fat provides 9 calories vs 4 calories of a carbohydrate or protein. If you eat food with a higher percentage of fat, you automatically consume more calories. However, if you are eating whole-plant food sources that are higher in fat such as nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives, you're also getting fiber, (bonus!) and no cholesterol!!
With all the diet books, diet plans, diet pills and diet centers everywhere we turn, why is weight loss such an obstacle? The answer is DIETS DON'T WORK, QUICK FIXES DON'T WORK. Eating for your health does work. When you get into a routine of choosing whole foods that are plant based, you will lose weight, feel fabulous, and never look back. Typical "diets" offer short-term plans that have you cutting out entire foods groups, minimizing calories so much that your are constantly hungry, or eating the same food over and over and over again. Who wants to suffer like this? You will probably lose weight, but the second you can't take it anymore, guess what...the weight comes right back on, and most times, a few pounds more! This is the vicious cycle of dieting...you start a plan, lose weight, end the diet, and back comes all the weight. Statistics show that fewer than 5% of dieters are able to sustain their weight loss for more than 5 years....and that's not to mention the fact that losing and gaining weight is more harmful to your health than maintaining a higher but stable weight.
- Eat only when you are truly hungry, (if you're not positive you're hungry, you're not...drink water!)
- Choose from any variety of whole-plant foods
- Stop eating when you reach the feeling of satiety
- Exercise and move your body throughout the day
That's it. Simple. Sustainable. Successful.
For easy recipe ideas, just check out all the websites available to you for FREE! As I have said before, a few of my favorites are: straightupfood.com, ChefAJ'sKitchen.com, Allrecipies.com (when you get to this site type in Vegan recipes), etc. There are literally loads of choices out there that are really, really easy. Last night I tried a recipe from straightupfood.com which had beans, rice, onions, celery, tomatoes, and spices....extremely easy and absolutely delicious!
If I can help anyone make this transition from the Standard American Diet, (SAD), over to a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet, (WFPB), please let me know...I would love to show you how wonderful you can look and how fabulous you will feel!!