- Lose weight and keep it off
- Lower cholesterol
- Lower blood pressure
- Prevent chronic disease
- Prevent illness
- Reverse chronic disease or illness you may already have
all by eating 100% natural foods...no pills...no gimmicks...just the POWER OF NUTRITION. You are probably thinking if that was the case why isn't everyone healthy? The answer is people have NO IDEA what they should be eating for optimal health. Physicians are trained to diagnose a disease and treat the condition with medication. Unfortunately, they are not trained in nutrition. All the years doctors spend in medical school, only 4-5 HOURS are dedicated to nutrition. 4-6 HOURS...not days, weeks or months, but HOURS! What most people do not know is there is not a medication on the market today that can compare to the power of nutrition.
A Whole-Food Plant-Based diet can prevent--stop--reverse illness and diseases. Again, there is no medication that gets to the root of the problem and "cures" the disease or illness. If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, once your pressure comes down, you cannot stop the medication because if you do, your pressure goes right back up again. The same holds true with cholesterol medication, or any other medication for that matter...as soon as you stop taking it, the problem is back.
However, if you get to the root of the problem and STOP it, there is no medication needed, the problem is "cured". Medication does not cure anything, it controls the symptoms. So, what I am telling you is by eating the right foods you will not have to worry about WEIGHT, diseases or illness. But why doesn't everyone know this?
Unfortunately, we are inundated with all kinds of messages from the media. Eat this, don't eat that, take vitamins, don't take vitamins, don't drink caffeine, one cup of coffee a day prevents certain types of cancers...the nonsense goes on and on. People become so confused, they don't know what to eat.
The information I will give you on this site comes from only extremely reputable sources. The bulk of my information comes from Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Cornell and the Cleveland Clinic. The nutritional research biochemists and physicians I follow are: T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD, Dean Ornish, MD, John McDougall, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, and Joel Fuhrman. I do follow other physicians as well, but the latter six is where I receive most of my information.
I am certified in a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet...my credentials are from Cornell. Starting tomorrow, January 1, 2013, anyone interested in starting a 21-day program to lose WEIGHT, have more energy, watch blood pressure and cholesterol numbers go down, and have OPTIMAL HEALTH, follow me.....Each day I will post a blog to help you plan meals, give you recipes, and help keep you motivated. However, how much more motivation will you need when the number on the scale keeps going down..........