Then WHY are so many people overweight and chronically sick?? Many experts have made the comment that Americans are overfed and under nourished. Therein lies the answer--we are a nation of overfed people that are malnourished. We have become extremely "busy" people with no time to shop for food and prepare it in our own kitchens. The food industry has made it very convenient for us to buy "food" in the grocery store that can be microwaved in minutes--but this "food" really isn't FOOD at all. If you read the ingredient list on most of these prepared food packages, I can bet not only will you not be able to pronounce most of the chemicals you will be eating, but you will have no idea what these chemicals are. This is not REAL FOOD.
Real food grows in nature--if you can't grow it, in my opinion, it isn't really food. Food found in nature requires no ingredient list, i.e., a bell pepper is just that, a bell pepper--no added anything. Fruit loops and marshmallows do not grow in nature--they are processed "foods" with little or no nutritional value--therefore, empty calories. The food industry does a wonderful job in marketing this junk food, telling consumers they have added vitamins and all kinds of "good nutrients" to these products. This "stuff" is not food--these "food products" are only adding to the health crisis we are now in.
I am here to tell you, it doesn't have to be this way--YOU are in control of YOUR HEALTH. You can prevent diseases from starting, you can stop disease from progressing, AND many times, reverse the damage that disease may have caused all very SIMPLY--with the food on the end of your fork. Sounds too easy? It's TRUE!!
When you feed your body what it needs, it will not only prevent diseases from starting, but your body will HEAL itself. Our bodies are extremely complex, they area built to PROTECT us when we FEED ourselves with NUTRIENT DENSE, health promoting, LOW CALORIE foods. So, what exactly does that mean?
Nutrient dense, low calorie foods are: vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), and whole grains. Our plates should be LOADED with these types of foods which are abundant! The variety of a whole food plant based way of eating, (WFPB) never has to be boring. There are THOUSANDS of RECIPES available using only REAL food, eliminating all the disease promoting foods such as the junk food, meats, dairy, eggs and oil.
When you load up your plate with all the whole foods, there is not calorie counting, carb counting, or fat counting--it just is not necessary. While eating a variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains, not only will your HEALTH soar, but your weight will just DROP. Now, this is where people will say to me that they will only have a "little bit" of meat or dairy during the week--this will be a step in the right direction if you start cutting back on these foods, BUT, you will probably NOT get the results you are looking for such as getting off medications, reversing heart disease, turning diabetes around, etc. If you want DRASTIC results, you have to make BIG CHANGES.
The big changes I'm talking about is NOT starving yourself. It's about eating an abundance of vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains--fill your plate! In my opinion, this is GREAT news--eat until you are satisfied. Personally, I eat MORE FOOD now than I have ever eaten in my life, (believe me, I have been a life-long dieter up until 5 years ago), and I am at my ideal weight. I am healthier now than I was in my 20's and that was at least 25 years ago, (I lie about my age constantly and get away with it!).
So, if you are ready to make changes, myself and my partners, Dominic, (a registered dietitian), and Terri, (fabulous cook and recipe tester), would love to help you along the way. We are currently offering a WFPB class held on Tuesdays, as well as a cooking class held the 3rd Thursday of every month starting in August. Contact me through this site, or contact me on my cell to register or for more information at: 518-339-2498. I look forward to working with you!!