In countries around the world where dairy is not consumed, osteoporosis is non-existent. However, here in the United States, osteoporosis is rampant--we have one of the highest rates of dairy consumption in the world--how can we have high rates of osteoporosis?? As a matter of fact, all countries with high dairy consumption have high osteoporosis rates. Guess what--the Dairy Industry has been lying to us, (not just about osteoporosis either)--their marketers are brilliant! When we repeatedly hear the same statements over and over again, we believe them--"Milk does a body good", and all the other propaganda they market.
As science repeatedly shows, no one should be drinking milk, (or eating any dairy products), except a calf. We are not designed to drink milk from a cow, giraffe, dog, or any other species--we are designed to drink our own mother's milk and that's it! No other species on this planet drinks milk from another species--NOT ONE!!
Not only are dairy products linked to high rates of osteoporosis, dairy is linked to all kinds of other medical issues, including the one disease NO ONE wants to be diagnosed with--Cancer. Hundreds of studies conclude that dairy is linked to all different kinds of cancers--especially breast and prostate as you will see in the article below.
Where will you get your calcium from if you are not including dairy products in your diet? Very simply--eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, (the NEW FOUR FOOD GROUPS!), and believe it or not, you will get all the calcium your body needs. Many people just do not realize by eating from these 4 food groups, you will get all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, phytochemicals, etc., that your body NEEDS to be strong, healthy, and disease-free!!
Studies are also showing increased risks of breast and prostate cancers in milk drinkers.
When you drink milk, it does in your body just what it does in a calf’s body, which is something that has caught the attention of cancer researchers. That is, milk causes the amount of insulin-like growth factor, or IGF-1, in your bloodstream to rise. As its name implies, IGF-1 makes things grow (even in grass fed cows). That’s great if you are a calf too small to eat grass. But it’s not so good if you are an adult human. In your body, rapid growth can mean the growth of cancer cells. Indeed, men with higher amounts of IGF-1 in their blood have higher risk of prostate cancer. Women with more IGF-1 have a higher risk of breast cancer. In two Harvard studies, men who had two or more dairy servings per day had 30-60 percent higher prostate cancer risk than did men who generally avoided milk. Studies in other locations have found similar association. –Dr. Neal Barnard, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine