Food manufacturers are in business to make money, period. Scientists have come up with all kinds of food additives and preservatives combined with lots of fat, salt and sugar to make "food" taste good to us. These same scientists know what repercussions a person will have if they eat this food...but guess what....they are in business to make money...if people eat this "stuff", they will continue to make it. What's even more unbelievable is, these same people DO NOT ALLOW their children to eat this stuff!! ver, we are not eating food anymore, we are eating processed, food-like products. Our bodies were not designed to eat this stuff...our body's don't know how to "handle" these when we eat something our body doesn't know what to do with, it gets stored in either our organs or in fat cells. Fat cells store this "stuff" for later use when our bodies need extra when we exercise, run, do a lot of physical work....but, guess what, later never comes. We continue to eat these processed substances, they continue to get stored in our fat cells over and over again, and suddenly we have all these overweight people who are over-fed and under-nourished. These processed, artificial substances are creating havoc in our body's...they make our cells sick. Our cells regenerate constantly, and if we have unhealthy cells, the new cells we make are also going to be unhealthy. Healthy cells make more healthy cells....unhealthy cells make more unhealthy cells....the cycle goes on and on until we have more unhealthy cells than we do healthy.... and now we have a major health problem on our hands. Our body's are not getting the NECESSARY vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals because there are NONE IN THIS PROCESSED FOOD-LIKE PRODUCTS we are eating!
This whole mess can absolutely be turned around...that's the beauty of our bodies. Start feeding yourself all kinds of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole-grains, nuts and seeds, eliminate the processed garbage, and your body will HEAL ITSELF....NO MEDICATION REQUIRED. When we flood ourselves with all these vitamins and minerals that our body has been missing for so long, AMAZING things start to happen. Diseases start "disappearing", chronic health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease start reversing themselves...REVERSING DAMAGE THAT HAS BEEN DONE! This has been proven with thousands of people over and over again. Why don't we hear about this on the news? Why don't we hear that we can heal ourselves, or better yet, prevent diseases from even starting WITHOUT taking medication? Remember, medication doesn't "cure" anything, it takes away the symptoms....the root of the problem still remains.
The solution to all of this is in the picture at the top left...this is what our shopping carts need to look like when we check out of the supermarket. It is not necessary to even go through the middle aisles of the grocery store. Now, at this point people will say to me, "but how do I make a meal out of only vegetables?" It's not only vegetables...we need beans, lentils, fruits and whole-grains. There are amazing websites loaded with easy, delicious recipes available to everyone of us for FREE. It doesn't get any easier than that.....believe me the recipes are not hard.....and they use food found right in your produce aisle of the market. Of course, there are also gourmet recipes available for anyone that really wants to make a gourmet meal....however, the majority of us don't have the time it requires....but that goes for preparing any gourmet meal.
Eating this way is as easy as making stuffed baked potatoes:
- Bake Russet potatoes, (as many as you need) in a 425 degree oven, for about 1 hour
- Remove from the oven and cut a lengthwise slit in the top of each potato and push the ends toward the center to open. Fluff up potato.
- Now, choose any kind of vegetables, beans, herbs and spices you want!
- steamed broccoli
- steamed cauliflower
- carrots
- sauteed onions and mushrooms, (using water, not will not miss the oil)
- black beans, red beans, white beans, chickpeas.....
- hummus
- guacamole
- vegetarian chili
- eggplant in a marinara sauce, (or any other vegetables in a marinara sauce)
Just use your imagination...any vegetables you have on hand can be used to top a baked potato! Serve with a huge green salad with lots of other vegetables and you have a complete, delicious, easy meal.
All it takes is a little planning....if you were preparing a typical Standard American Diet, (SAD) meal, you would need to plan what to buy at the, instead, you will be buying REAL FOOD without the artificial ingredients. So, check out the recipes, make your list of ingredients you need to have for the week ahead, and experience what REAL FOOD can do for your body!!
Questions, concerns....please contact me....I can help you make this transition very easy....