Unfortunately, there are no commercials for whole fruits and vegetables giving us all the reasons why we should be eating broccoli, asparagus, bell peppers, mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, apples, oranges and bananas just to name a few. Why? We all know the answer to this...the almighty dollar. Organizations like Mc Donalds can well afford to advertise on TV...but who will advertise for broccoli and green leafy vegetables? Even though they are some of the most nutritious foods we can be eating to prevent disease and restore health, this information is not readily available like the Dollar Menu is.
I truly do believe this is why so many people are just so confused on nutrition today. When it comes to healthy eating and getting information on nutrition, what is being advertised on TV and radio, billboards, etc., is NOT benefiting anyone EXCEPT the people doing the advertising.....they are getting richer and richer while the American public continues to get fatter and sicker. Americans are more overweight and have more illnesses now than ever before in history.
However, the GOOD NEWS is, YOU can CHANGE your health right now....today! First, all you have to do is get yourself in the right frame of mind. Once you decide that you are sick and tired of feeling SICK AND TIRED and you must do something different because what you are doing now IS NOT WORKING, you are on your way. Once you DECIDE to MAKE some CHANGES, you are half way there.
As I have discussed in previous blogs, you can do this by taking baby steps such as one meal at a time, or make changes one day at a time, or, jump in with both feet and make MAJOR changes. Whatever strategy fits your lifestyle will be the right one for you. The 'baby step" approach might be to eliminate artificial and processed foods, so this would be something like eliminating soda completely....no more Pepsi or Coke...and then the following week eliminate chips and packaged cookies....etc. My rule for processed foods is read the label, if it has more than 5 ingredients and there are ingredients you can't pronounce let alone know what they are, do not buy it. Or, if high fructose corn syrup is in that ingredient list, PUT IT BACK! Once all processed foods are eliminated, then the next step would be to eliminate the next culprit--MEAT.
Now eliminating meat may take some people a little while to conquer...but believe me, once you have achieved this, you will FEEL the difference. One of the first symptoms to disappear is HEARTBURN or acid reflux. Imagine not having to take any medication to relieve those symptoms? So many people just do not realize that meat creates an extremely acid environment inside us...it's not the spicy foods that 'cause' heartburn, spicy foods will 'aggravate' the symptoms...the main cause is animal products. Of course, meat also provides us with artery-clogging saturated fat and cholesterol, not to mention all the hormones and antibiotics we get as by-products.
Then step 3 would be to eliminate dairy...personally I found this to be the hardest part. I think the majority of females have a hard time giving up dairy and most men have a hard time giving up meat. Not only will dairy give us the saturated fat and cholesterol that meat will, (many nutritional experts refer to dairy products as LIQUID MEAT!), but the protein in dairy is called 'casein'.....CASEIN FEEDS CANCER CELLS AND PROMOTES TUMOR GROWTH. Yes, that is a PROVEN FACT!
I know it's hard to believe because we were raised believing dairy is one of the most healthy food groups you can eat and drink....of course, that information comes straight out of the mouths of the DAIRY INDUSTRY'S brilliant marketing department. Yes they have nutritional "experts" that sit on their Boards along with very powerful lawyers that know just how to "word" the information we are bombarded with. So how come we all know that "milk gives us strong bones", (myth), but most of us have never heard of the word 'casein' and how it FEEDS cancer cells?? And we wonder WHY cancer is so "common" today.
No matter how you want to change your eating habits, either taking baby steps or by jumping in with both feet....it doesn't matter....what's important is you take the FIRST STEP. You can start with eliminating a group of foods at once, or maybe just one certain thing at a time. Whatever works for you will be the right way. If it seems overwhelming in the beginning, do NOT get discouraged....take one step at a time.
If you are a person that is all or nothing, start today with eating oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, at lunch have a veggie wrap with a side cup of vegetable soup and a piece of fruit, for a mid-afternoon snack have another piece of fruit or a small amount of nuts, and then for dinner have whole-wheat pasta loaded with vegetables and marinara sauce, a large green salad, and if you want dessert, a thick, rich, creamy smoothie made with Almond milk, ice, frozen berries and a banana with a sprinkle of 100% cocoa----you just ate a complete day's meals without anything artificial or processed, AND, there is no meat or diary products included in anything you ate! It is really that simple.
If you need help transitioning over to a Whole Food Plant Based diet, please let me know....I would love to help you get your health back....