But then, the middle class came about and now most of these people were able to afford this diet rich in animal products. It seemed to be a status symbol for people to have animal products on their plates. The problem is, this type of diet has very LITTLE NUTRITION....yes it has protein, but animal products contain very LITTLE VITAMINS, ZERO FIBER, and comes loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. Americans were eating this way 3 times a day, 365 days a year.....
Then, right around this time, "convenience food" hit the market. Food manufacturers targeted housewives....their marketing strategy was to get women out of the kitchen and on to better things. Housewives thought this was GREAT...food out of packages and cans...simple and easy....not much time required putting dinner on the table now. Food manufacturers got better and better making this type of "food" really cheap, making it affordable to EVERYONE.
Now everyone was eating these cheap, convenient "foods" and we started with all kinds of disease states. However, doctors became very good at diagnosing these diseases and handing out pills to cover the symptoms our foods were causing us to have. The media people were smart enough not to say anything bad about the "products" of its sponsors, advertisers gradually convinced the public that these foods were actually good for us, and the government tries to keep the economy going so the funding from the meat and dairy industries just keeps flowing.
With all of the above working together, we have managed to create the fattest, sickest nation known to man. Our health care costs are the one of the highest on this planet. Not knowing these foods are SO UNHEALTHY for us, we ate them....they tasted good, they filled us up and the cost was not so bad. Most people that work in this "system", I would like to believe, think they are doing nothing wrong, they are just doing what they are taught to do.
The problem is, every time we purchase something, we are voting with our dollars. If this type of food is consistently being purchased, than that's the food the manufacturers will provide.
The answer to this whole mess is LEARNING ABOUT NUTRITION. The problem is most physicians, nurses, nutritionists and dietitians only learn what they are taught, and unfortunately, they have not been given the WHOLE TRUTH in regards to nutrition. The information is out there for the taking....years and years of studies and research is available. It has not been embraced, however, because so many people stand to lose the almighty dollar....and this, to me, is a disgrace. So many people would not have to go through so much suffering if they only knew the truth.
The healing powers of nutrition have long been known, but the information is not "spoon fed" to us like so many other advertisements are from the meat and diary industries. If you want to learn about nutrition, you can do your own research...Excellent resources are the written works from: T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Dean Ornish, MD, Neal Barnard, MD and John McDougall, MD...these are a few of my favorite people. Not only do they teach their patients about nutrition to HEAL themselves, they LIVE this way of life....they promote a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED diet.
These men reap the rewards of healing their patients from all kinds of medical issues including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, GI issues, etc. The work these men do with nutritional excellence is amazing....by eating real food, food that comes straight from nature will give our body what it needs to THRIVE and prevent diseases from even beginning. But, if there is disease already started, the beauty is CHANGING YOUR DIET WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Remember, my favorite motto is: When you give your body what it needs, it will heal itself....
Need help transitioning to a Whole Food Plant Based diet for your health? Contact me...I can help you do this!