However, if you're anything like the majority of people, (myself included), you have tried all kinds of diets, supplements, weight loss products...all promising to help you lose weight and keep it off. Eat this, don't eat that, calculate your points, calories, fats, carbs, blahblahblahblah.....
I gave up dieting about 5 years ago, (I was on a perpetual diet my entire life!), and have never been healthier, in better shape, or had more energy. I finally became EDUCATED in nutrition and learned what the HEALTHIEST diet was for people to follow....a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.
When you eat whole plant foods, there is no counting of anything....no calories, fats, carbs, points, etc. The road to health is eat all the vegetables, fruits, and whole grains that you desire, and add in small amounts of nuts and seeds....it really is that simple.
Many people think that they cannot afford to eat healthy. In all reality let's look at where our money is going. The most expensive food in the grocery store is meat.....hopefully you will be eating very little, or better yet, none at all, of this very expensive, (not to mention, disease causing) food. So, there's the most expensive item off your grocery list. Secondly, by eating whole foods, which means cutting out processed foods, you will not be buying all the artificial "food-like" foods, such as cookies, chips, candy, soda, etc. There's more money in your pocket. And, by simply spending a little time in food planning for the week, you will not be running through a drive-through spending money on "food" that is nothing but empty calories, (big amounts of empty calories), is nutrient deficient, and can cause all kinds of illness and disease.
So, if you are ready to stop the dieting and EAT FOR YOUR HEALTH, you have come to the right place. By following a Whole Food Plant Based diet, your body will start to heal itself....it's amazing what your body is capable of WHEN YOU GIVE IT WHAT IT NEEDS!! All the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are found in the plant kingdom are exactly what your body is desperately waiting for. By loading your plate with lots of vegetables and fruits and eliminating all the artificial foods and animal products, not only will your HEALTH SOAR, but the bonus is WEIGHT LOSS without even trying! Vegetables and fruits are very high in nutrients and low in calories....eat until you're satisfied and there is no need to worry about calories.
If you are READY TO TAKE CONTROL of your health and make 2014 your best year ever, then contact me....I would be so excited to help you get started on this journey!