Only 5-10% of cancer is in our genes or in our family history. 90-95% of cancer is caused by what you expose your body to on a daily basis. Of the 90-95% of cancer, tobacco contributes to about one quarter of the cancer risk in the United States.
So, what in particular is it in our diet that puts us at such a high risk? A massive study done in Canada proved that meat consumption is directly related to these cancers: colon, stomach, rectal, pancreatic, lung, breast, prostate, testicular, kidney, bladder and leukemia.
The National Cancer Institute states, "that chemicals are formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, poultry and fish are cooked forming heterocyclic amines". Heterocyclic amines are highly carcinogenic. Studies have shown that our liver has the capacity to detoxify only 50% of carcinogens from meat....the other 50% are left roaming around inside our bodies.
Women eating meat, any kind of meat, poultry, or fish, whether they are broiled, roasted, grilled, fried or barbecued, have a 5 times higher risk of developing breast cancer due to these heterocyclic amines.
Processed meats, like hot dogs, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, smoked ham, etc., pose an even HIGHER risk due to all the nitrates that are present in these type of meats. As a matter of fact, children are 7 times more likely to develop a brain tumor by eating one hot dog a week!!! Children that insist on eating hot dogs are multiplying their odds by 950% of getting childhood leukemia!! This is a well known fact that should be plastered all over the front of hot dog packages--WARNING LABELS should be all over them. A few hot dogs have the SAME AMOUNT of carcinogens as smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. WHY ISN'T THIS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE?
Let me tell you about bacon--the carcinogens in bacon are so high that the fumes from bacon cooking has the exact same effect as second hand smoke from a cigarette. The carcinogenic particles get into our lungs just like cigarette smoke. That's why there is an increased risk of respiratory tract cancers prevalent in cooks.
These heterocyclic amines, which form in cooked meat, damage our bodies in three ways:
- Damage DNA
- Promote cancer growth
- Increases cancer cell metastasis by increasing tumor invasivness (drives cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body)
In Canada, the researchers measured the levels of heterocyclic amines in the breast milk of meat-eating females and in vegans. The concentration of the carcinogen was significant in 100% of the meat-eating females. The concentration of the carcinogen in vegans--0%.
This really is a no-brainer for me.....