However, there are two major problems with this way of thinking: 1. Antibiotics are the leading cause of adverse drug reactions in the US and 2. Antibiotics are producing resistant strains of deadly bacteria. Every body of water in the nation, including drinking water, tested for drug residues turns up antibiotics that have accumulated from human waste and from runoff traceable to animal farms that overuse antibiotics to promote growth in their livestock. These same residues also accumulate in fish and other aquatic life that provides us with yet another JOLT of antibiotics.
The problem with this is we are killing off harmless bacteria in our bodies that protect our health. Every time we take a course of antibiotics we don't need, we turn our bodies into laboratories for the breeding of resistant germs. And, on top of that, there is such widespread use of antibiotics in livestock that we are getting even more unnecessary antibiotics in our systems. Now, if there comes a time when we really need an antibiotic to fight off a bacterial infection, (by the way, that's the only time antibiotics are appropriate), the antibiotic doesn't work because the "bugs" found ways to become resistant. So, the antibiotic that always worked in the past, doesn't work any longer.
The result of all this overuse is, now drug companies have to come up with more antibiotics to fight these "superbugs", and the pharmaceuticals get to charge EXTREMELY HIGH prices for these new drugs. It doesn't have to be this way...I am living proof.
Since I started eating a Whole Food Plant Based diet, (I started in 2008 by eliminating meat, then 2009 no diary), I have not so much as had a sniffle. I work in an extremely busy medical practice with dozens of sick patients everyday....especially this year with so many people getting the flu...and I am honestly telling you I am the ONLY person in the whole office that was not sick...THE ONLY ONE!! My own husband came down with the flu on New Year's Eve, (the true flu, can't pick your head up off your pillow for 5 days flu), and I did not get a symptom.
Welcome to MY FARMACY....I am telling you, when you give your body what IT NEEDS, it can give you HEALTH like you have never experienced before!! Remember all those antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals I constantly talk about? They are your answer to ANY HEALTH ISSUE you may have. I don't care what we are talking about...from the common cold to heart disease, cancer, strokes, kidney disease, etc.
I do not take ANY MEDICATIONS at all, (Oh wait a minute, I do take a B12 supplement and Vitamin D...the only two vitamins that are not available through foods). My cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, kidney and liver functions, and any other level that gets tested through blood are ABSOLUTELY NORMAL. Let me tell you my typical menu for the day:
Breakfast: Green smoothie and oatmeal with berries
Lunch: HUGE green salad with veggies, my homemade soup, (no meat or dairy ever)
Dinner: HUGE green salad with veggies, some kind of steamed veggies or stir-fry, (no oil) with beans and kale...I always try to put kale in whatever I am making...it is a POWERHOUSE of nutrition.
Now, I don't eat the same thing everyday...there is so much you can do with a pile of vegetables and some beans. And, despite what so many people think--it is not any more expensive to eat this way than if you were buying cholesterol and fat laden, not to mention antibiotic infused, MEAT! What is the most expensive item on your grocery list? Most of the time, the answer is meat. By eating a Whole Food Plant Based diet, your medical bills will drop like a rock while your HEALTH SOARS...your body is capable of doing MIRACULOUS things when you feed it the right foods and eliminate the foods that are causing all the damage.