As we all know, we are in the middle of a health care crisis in this country--obesity rates are skyrocketing, type 2 diabetes is more prevalent now than ever in our history, not to mention heart disease and cancer remain our Number 1 and 2 Killers in this country. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!!
There is so much information--whether it be clinical trials, research, meta analysis (a large number of studies already performed--data is gathered and conclusions are made), etc., showing that eating a whole food plant based diet is ultimately the "diet" we should all be following. It doesn't matter what health issues you may have, eating this way can PREVENT diseases from starting, STOP the progression of the disease from advancing, and may times, REVERSE damage that may have already been done. All of this by EATING THE RIGHT FOOD!! It just doesn't get any easier than this.
I would like to share with you my personal experience. My father, who is 80 years old, was never overweight, always physically active, (right up until recently), was ALWAYS doing something. He would only sit down at night for about an hour to watch TV--other than that, the man was always doing something. Now, his diet was centered around MEAT, not only beef, but also a lot of chicken, (thought this was a much better option than beef), as well as pork, turkey, etc. Because of eating an animal based diet, he was put on a cholesterol lowering medication as his numbers were high. On paper, his cholesterol level came down to the "acceptable" range of under 200.
Well, guess what--on January 9th of this year, he underwent a 5-vessel bypass surgery with repair done on one of his 3 leaky heart valves. Five of his arteries were extremely narrow due to a major build-up of cholesterol. By the time we got to the bottom of his problem, the man was so short of breath he could not bend over to tie his shoes--and remember, he is a lean person.
Prior to his surgery, I would always talk about the foods he should be eating, he would listen but just tell me he could not eat that way....it was just TOO EXTREME for him. After having his chest opened up, having his heart stopped and put on a heart/lung machine, having veins removed from his legs to bypass the 5 blockages, and a ring placed around one of his valves to slow down the leak, he no longer thinks that changing your diet is EXTREME. As a matter of fact, changing one's diet to prevent heart disease, or any other disease, is a WALK IN THE PARK. Bypass surgery is not something anyone should have to endure.
Now, I have to say the man's diet consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds. We have eliminated all animal products--that means meat, poultry, dairy, fish and eggs--the foods that caused his heart disease. Now, believe it or not, one of his brothers has already died from type 2 diabetes/heart disease/kidney failure, but at the SAME TIME my father was having his surgery done, his YOUNGER brother was having severe complications with his heart disease and was in the hospital, (already had stents AND bypass surgery done as well as a pacemaker inserted), BUT his OLDER sister was put in the hospital with a STROKE!! All three of them with MAJOR COMPLICATIONS due to their DIET!!
Remember, when eating animal products, cholesterol does not only form in the arteries of your heart, but cholesterol will build up anywhere in your body--it is not picky where it lands. So the plaque build up that caused my father's heart disease, caused his sister to have a stroke as her carotid arteries were full of plaque.
So, you probably are thinking this family is destined to have high cholesterol levels as each sibling has issues. Well, my brother does have a cholesterol issue and is currently taking a cholesterol lowering medication, (as did my father), my mother also has cholesterol issues, (she cooks for herself and my father), BUT, my cholesterol is ROCK BOTTOM--NO MEDICATION NEEDED!!!
With that being said, my mother and brother are now on board with a whole food plant based diet. Of courses, they do not want to go through bypass surgery, or any other procedure caused from heart disease. By eating this way, they will all come off of cholesterol lowering medications AS IT WILL NOT BE NEEDED.
Stop the car from rolling over the cliff...prevent damage from happening. It is much easier to PREVENT the car from going over the cliff vs. FIXING the car after it has crashed!!