Senator George McGovern was the head of the first Dietary Guidelines Committee in the U.S. It was his task to head this committee and give the American people guidelines to follow regarding a healthy diet. Way back in 1977, George was stating that the leading causes of death in America could be stopped with diet...this was a known fact 36 years ago! He stated the American diet was full of fat, sugar and salt....He believed that Americans wanted to know the truth. On this committee was the founder of Harvard's Nutrition Department as well as many other extremely well-educated physicians and biochemist nutritional researchers. Of course, the facts showed that meat, dairy, sugar, fat and salt were causing all kinds of degenerative diseases, as well as causing many people to have heart disease, cancers, strokes, diabetes, etc. This was known 36 years ago!! What happened?
Well, the Meat and Dairy Association went ballistic...they stated this report was "ill-advised", people like sugar, meat and dairy....we cannot "deprive" them from eating what they like. Besides, if people start eating healthier, we will have more "old people"...that will be very expensive on our health care system....this was actually stated and reported!
The president of the Cattlemen's Association was extremely upset. When this committee advised the decrease of meat consumption, he became violent! He absolutely would not allow the word "decrease" or any other words describing meat in a "negative" way...it just wasn't acceptable. His thought was, if people listened to this advice and followed it, the meat and dairy industries would be drastically damaged. What about our health?
So, as we all know, the Meat and Dairy Industries are extremely powerful in this country....lots of money behind them...the outcome of all this was:
- Eliminate the Food Committee completely
- Revise the report advising Americans to choose meat, poultry, dairy and fish
- Turn this "task" over to the Agriculture Committee--these people "look after" the food industry, not people
And so, the Senate on Nutrition was disbanded...the Agriculture Committee took over and gave the American people a "corrected report" on nutrition. Remember, the Meat and Dairy Associations are two of the richest industries in America today....money talks.....
We now have a health care crisis on our hands.....obesity, heart disease, cancers, strokes, diabetes, are at epidemic proportions today. Can you imagine what may have happened if people paid attention to the science way back in 1977...if we didn't have the people with all the money calling the shots and really did what the experts on nutrition were telling us to do way back then??
We probably would have a much healthier nation without all the suffering and sickness.....The answer to my title question is...YES, I want the truth regarding my health....without it, what do I have?
BUT, remember, it's NEVER too late to change all this.....we can absolutely change our health by simply choosing the RIGHT FOODS that go on the end of our forks.....with a boat load of sci
Need help doing this? Just drop me a line....I would love to help you on the road to a happier, healthier YOU!!