According to the Journal of Epidemiology, a study was conducted following 4,000 women over a period of 7 years. Over the course of those 7 years, diets were documented in great detail....the conclusion of this study as well as thousands of other studies, showed a diet high in saturated fat increased these women's risk of dying by 41%. What foods have the most saturated fat? Get ready, you might be surprised.....
- Cheese
- Pizza
- Grain-based desserts: doughnuts, cakes, cookies
- Ice cream
- Chicken---doesn't matter if it's skinless breast....high in saturated fat
- Pork
- Hamburger
- Lard
- Beef
- Reduced fat milk...don't be fooled by 2%....that's 2% by weight, not calories...30% of reduced fat milk is saturated fat....
These are the top 10 foods with the most saturated fat, with cheese being the #1 contributor. Most people would guess beef as being #1, and most people can't believe chicken and reduced fat milk even made the list....and they are in the Top 10...and this is only the top 10 foods...there is saturated fats lurking in lots of other foods.
My question is, why isn't this information plastered on billboards? These were studies following women with breast cancer....what researchers have proven to be the causes of breast cancer also causes prostate cancer in men. Both cancers are considered "hormonal cancers"....if something is known to cause breast cancer, the same causes are found to be linked to prostate cancer...this has been proven over and over again.
So, how many people are aware of the impact that saturated fat has on their body? Everyone SHOULD know, but this type of information doesn't seem to make headlines....this type of information is not what commercials on TV are made of...but all kinds of drugs are on TV commercials constantly....Hmmmm. These studies are looking at breast cancer....Heart disease is the #1 Killer of Americans in general...this same list holds true for preventing and reversing heart disease....AVOID THESE FOODS!!
My thought is, why wait until you are diagnosed with a horrible disease to make changes in your diet. It has been proven over and over again, studying thousands and thousands of people, NO DRUG CAN MATCH THE POWER OF NUTRITION. Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet will not only protect you from the #1 Killer in the America, but can protect you from all kinds of cancers, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease....and these are the big can also get rid of aches and pains, GI conditions, intestinal issues, acne....the benefits from eating a WFPB diet are endless.
So, if you want to make changes in your diet but are just not sure where to start, contact me....YOU CAN DO THIS!! There is nothing more important in this life than YOUR HEALTH and the HEALTH OF YOUR LOVED ONES.....Without your health, what's left???