Just talk to people....most of them will tell you they are on some kind of medication for acid reflux, heart burn or GERD....it's all the same thing. But, what most people don't realize is, if they eat the "right" foods, they would not need that medication to keep "heartburn" at bay.
There are three ways to make your body less acidic:
- Eat more plant foods because plant foods are alkaline (opposite of acidic), and have a higher percentage of water than other foods.
- Drink more water---not water containing anything else, just plain, simple water.
- Eliminate foods from your diet that make your body acidic---number one food--animal products.
The major acid-forming foods in our diet are animal products--but the other major contributors are soda, sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol. Americans tend to consume too much of all these products. In the case of sodium (salt), we don't get most of it from table salt, but from packaged and processed foods. In fact, dairy products and processed meat, (bacon, sausage, pepperoni, deli meats), are the BIGGEST sources of sodium in the American diet!
Having an acidic body is dangerous for a number of reasons. First, high acid levels make our bodies more cancer friendly by reducing the delivery of oxygen to cells. Remember, cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment and just do not do well in a healthy, alkaline environment. Second, a highly acidic environment disrupts the function of enzymes and the digestion of food. Undigested food gets passed into the colon and sits there, rotting, and this leads to toxic buildups along with a number of health problems. Thirdly, when blood becomes too acidic, our bodies pull calcium from our bones and teeth to neutralize the acid and this causes bone loss which leads to osteoporosis. This also causes our body to pull water from cells to neutralize high acid levels and this leads to cell dehydration, which is the number one cause of premature aging.
When we have all this acid, we just pop a pill to treat the SYMPTOM....we are doing NOTHING to stop the cause. If you want to eliminate the problem, and you CAN, you'll have to STOP eating the acidic foods. By continually eating foods that cause all this acid, we put our bodies in a state of constantly having to neutralize this acid by using the calcium stored up in our bones. Animal proteins are one of the most acid-forming foods in existence, and because Americans eat so much of it, our heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis rates, (along with all other degenerative diseases) are sky high. Cow's milk has over three times more protein than human mother's milk....cow's milk is designed for a calf that will weigh over 300 pounds within a year of its birth.
When we consume dairy products, the calcium simply passes through our body and ends up in the toilet--and our blood is even more acidic because of the protein. Low-fat dairy products are HIGHEST in protein, so you may lower your fat intake, but you will RAISE your blood acid level and this will contribute to bone loss. Skim milk, for example, contains almost TWICE the amount of protein as whole milk. And, because of the high sodium content of dairy products, they provide a double-boost to your acid levels. Please don't forget, the protein in dairy is called casein.....casein FEEDS cancer cells.
The "health authorities" will tell us that women should get between 1000-1500 mg of calcium per day, while men should get 1000 mg of calcium per day. What would these "authorities" say to men and women throughout the world who get only 200 mg a day--and have bones much STRONGER than Americans? In fact, 70-year-old women in Third World countries who have nursed multiple babies have bones stronger than most 40-year-old women in this country. And where do they get their calcium from?? They get it NOT from dairy, but from PLANT FOODS!
Osteoporosis is NOT genetic--you do NOT have to suffer from it if you eat the "right" foods and get some exercise. When people say it runs in the family, that only means the family has led a sedentary lifestyle and their diet consisted of lots of animal products!
We need to STOP eating all the foods that are making us overweight and sick, and start eating all the foods that will prevent diseases from starting. The foods that will not only prevent disease from starting but will give us back our health are:
- Vegetables--every color of the rainbow
- Fruits
- Beans--chickpeas, black beans, white beans, kidney beans, lentils, peas, etc.
- Whole-grains
Don't know where to start....it's NEVER too late....contact me....I would love to help you get on the road to recovery!!