The Key to losing weight like you NEVER have before, is by eating more phytonutrients than you ever have before. What are phytonutrients? They are nutrients found in the plant kingdom--nutrients that fuel our immune system with everything it needs to keep us HEALTHY. The only side effect from eating plants--WEIGHT LOSS like never before!
Phytonutrients reduce hormones that promote FAT STORAGE and reduce the amount of fatty tissue on your body by killing off existing FAT CELLS--What? No one ever gave you this information before, I know.
The above picture is what your plate will look like when we start our 30 Day Challenge. I really wish I could get rid of Vegan Plate, because this way of eating is not called "Vegan", but it's called a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle. What's the difference? A Vegan simply means no meat or dairy. Period. That means you can have Coca Cola and french fries--no meat or dairy--a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle means eating Whole Food, minimally processed foods, (like Almond Milk or tofu, bread), that come from the Plant Kingdom. Yes it eliminates meat and dairy, but the goal is to eat REAL WHOLE FOOD as it is found in nature. Coke and chips are not whole foods. Remember, if the food comes from nature eat it, if it's made by man in a laboratory, DON'T! Marshmallows, Twinkies, and Little Debbie snacks are not found in nature.
So, when we prepare our plates with food, the above picture is what it should look like. We need to pile our plates high with all kinds of vegetables, some sort of whole grain, some beans, (chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, white beans, etc.) and fruit. When we eat this way, we give our body EVERYTHING it needs to keep our immune system running strong, boosts our energy level, helps us to reduce/eliminate medications, and DROPS our WEIGHT.
Get ready.....the next blog will give us the guidelines we will be following for our 30 Day Challenge. If you are ready to finally get serious about your health and lose weight by doing so, then this 30 Day Challenge is for you. This is a FREE've go nothing to lose but WEIGHT!!