When we eat vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grains, we are feeding our body the BEST foods for OPTIMAL health there is. Our body's are designed to get EVERYTHING it needs from nature. We get all the necessary vitamins and minerals required to keep our body functioning at superior levels. We all need what's called 'macronutrients' to keep our body's going....they are fat, protein and carbohydrates. The 'micronutrients' our body's require are essential vitamins and minerals to keep our cells healthy. Each and every one of these properties are found in the plant kingdom.....each one! Not only do we get everything we need, but the plant kingdom gives us something that the animal kingdom has none of--FIBER! Fiber ONLY COMES FROM PLANTS. PERIOD. Any nutritional researcher, scientist, biochemist, dietitian and physician will tell you the Standard American Diet, (SAD) is hugely LACKING in fiber. The majority of people do not come anywhere near the amount of fiber they should be getting on a daily basis.
Fiber, again, comes from plants only--it's what gives plants their structure. Fiber keeps our digestive tract healthy--speeds in elimination of toxins and excess estrogen. Fiber also aids in eliminating cholesterol from our body and helps us to maintain a healthy weight keeping us feeling fuller longer. How much fiber is in animal products? ZERO.
Let me tell you about phytochemicals--if they could be bottled, pharmaceutical companies would be multi-BILLIONAIRES, (they're probably close anyway). Again, there is ABSOLUTELY NO DRUG that can give us what phytochemicals can:
- Protection from cancer by boosting our immune system
- Stops harmful substances from turning into carcinogens
- Keeps hormone levels healthy
- Protects cells from becoming cancerous
- Decreases inflammation
- Improves the way our cells grow and divide
Thousands of phytochemicals have been identified by research scientists, and literally TONS more are yet to be discovered!
Every vegetable and fruit has different phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is very important to eat a wide variety to reap the benefits from all the different kinds. The properties in foods 'work together' like a symphony giving us EXCELLENT, HIGH QUALITY nutrition our body requires to keep us healthy. A car requires regular maintenance, oil changes, fluid changes, tire maintenance, brake changes, etc. to keep it running in good condition.....our body is the same way....if you don't maintain it, give it the high quality nourishment it needs to keep cells healthy, and keep it moving, it is going to BREAK DOWN sooner or later.
Because our cells are regenerating constantly, we MUST feed them healthy foods. If your cells are healthy and you feed them high quality nutrition, they will make new healthy cells. However, if your cells are getting low quality nourishment, (animal products and processed foods), the cells they now make are going to be unhealthy cells. When this happens, TROUBLE BEGINS. Our once healthy cells are now not so healthy, they continue to generate unhealthy cells, and soon we have more UNHEALTHY CELLS than healthy, and the disease process begins.
Don't let this happen to you or your family. Don't treat your stomach like a garbage can.....give your body the high quality nutrition it is SCREAMING for--foods from the plant kingdom! The closer you eat to nature, the HEALTHIER you will be, the more ENERGY you will have and the YOUNGER you feel.
There is no down-side to a Whole Food Plant Based diet.......