In Dr. Campbell's book, Whole, he tells us that modern medicine promises salvation from all kinds of diseases. He tells us that with all the advances in technology, genetics, and pharmacology, the cure for cancer is right around the corner. We will soon be replacing our damaged DNA genes with "new" ones, new wonder drugs are being made everyday, and with genetic modification in food, a simple tomato, carrot or cookie will become a complete meal. He goes on to say that maybe someday we can just swallow a pill and forget about food.
The problem is, all this information is TOTALLY FALSE. We are constantly searching for the "cure" by pouring billions of dollars into dangerous, ineffective treatments. We are looking for "new genes" if there were something wrong with our "old genes" that have evolved over millions of years. People are constantly medicating themselves with, what he calls, toxic concoctions, (I love that!), and then require another drug for the original drug's side effects. We really do not have a health-care system in this country, we have a disease-care system.
We have a far better, safer and CHEAPER way of achieving good health with POSITIVE side effects. This approach prevents most of the diseases that afflict us before they show up...we don't have to be caught up in the disease-care system in the first place!
The United States spends MORE MONEY on "health" care than any other country on earth, yet our quality of health care, when compared to other industrialized nations, is ROCK BOTTOM. We are a SICK country despite all the money that gets pumped into the system. Chronic diseases have only INCREASED over time with obesity and diabetes at epidemic proportions. The more we spend on disease-care, the sicker and more miserable we seem to become. All of our trillions of dollars are NOT IMPROVING our health.
The secret: (from Dr. Campbell's book, Whole)
- What you eat everyday is a far more powerful determinant of your health than your DNA or most of the nasty chemicals lurking in your environment.
- The foods you consume can heal you faster and more profoundly than the most expensive prescription drugs, and more dramatically than the most extreme surgical interventions, with only POSITIVE side effects.
- Those food choices can prevent cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, macular degeneration, migraines, erectile dysfunction and arthritis---that's only part of the list.
- It's never too late to start eating well. A good diet can reverse many of those conditions as well.
The bottom line, change the way you eat and you can transform your health for the better. For some reason, "health food" has a reputation for being tasteless....this is not the case. All we have to do is get back to our "roots"...nothing radical or miserable. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Avoid animal products, artificial and processed foods.
That's it...there's the SECRET we have all been waiting for. It is right in front of us, yet many of us can't "see" it. A Whole Food Plant Based diet does, however, comes with side effects:
- Gets you to your ideal weight the healthy way
- Eliminates migraines, acne, cold and flu, chronic pain, and intestinal distress
- Improves energy
- PREVENTS heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc.
Who couldn't live with those side effects?