Most people just don't realize the body's remarkable healing process. Unfortunately, the "norm" is to mop up the floor without turning off the faucet. We take all kinds of medications to relieve symptoms, but we are doing anything to STOP the problem. Science has proven repeatedly we can HEAL our body with nutrition....really good nutrition. Now, what does that mean?
For instance, to REVERSE heart disease, (which has been proven with thousands of people), you have to DRASTICALLY change your way of eating. At this point, people will say they can't possibly give up certain foods such as animal products, it's just too drastic. Well, in my opinion, having your chest cut wide open to perform open heart surgery, or having stents put in your arteries, is drastic....changing your diet is NOT. And, this doesn't only apply to heart disease....it applies to ALL diseases....the power of the human body, when given what it NEEDS, is nothing short of miraculous! What you can do with nutrition is beyond belief.
There are so many studies proving the effects food has on our lives. The majority of our diseases today, heart disease, cancer, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, GI issues, etc., are all considered food-related. Most people don't know this fact because too many people would lose their bottom line.....money. The food industries are making money hand over fist while the American people become fatter and sicker, now more than ever before in our history. Yes, we have a drug for every single ailment you may have....but, we are not stopping the root of the problem. Again, mopping up the floor while the water continues to run.
So, back to my 12 week program....I'm extremely excited about teaching this group of people a whole-food plant based diet.....why we should eat this way as well as how to eat this way. We will be tracking weight and blood pressure readings weekly, keeping daily food journals, and having cholesterol levels drawn at the beginning of the program and again at the end to show the REMARKABLE progress that can be made with nutrition alone. Many people's goal will be to not only lose weight, but come off of medications that will no longer be needed once they are giving their body the nutrition it needs to HEAL ITSELF.
In order to REVERSE disease, most people's diet has to be changed completely. We need to get rid of the food that has gotten us into this mess to begin with, and replace those foods with loads of vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, and beans. Believe me, there is nothing about "lack" in eating this way....the beauty is, the food is so good for you, there is no counting calories, carbs, fats, etc., required...you eat until you are satisfied....sit back and watch the scale drop and your health issues disappear.
If you would like to join my program, (it's FREE!), let me know. I do have a few openings left for this 12-week session....we will be meeting once, possibly twice a week, (for those that may need it), in my Watervliet office at 5:30 pm. I have not nailed down a start date yet, but we will most likely be starting in a week or two.
So, if you would like to give this a try, join us....experience what 12 weeks of eating healthy can do for YOU!!