And we wonder why heart disease is still the Number 1 Killer.
We can heart-attack proof ourselves, and, we can reverse damage that may have already been done. To do this, we really have to get control of a few things:
- Achieve a normal weight or be in the process of steadily losing weight
- Achieve a "normal" cholesterol level. The LDL (bad cholesterol) needs to be below 100, (guidelines may change to be below 70). An LDL level below 100 earned as a result of nutritional excellence is much more protective than an LDL below 80 as a result of medication. When you achieve a "normal" cholesterol level with nutrition, you are getting a cascade of effects like lowering inflammation, reducing fat deposits, and lowering blood pressure.
- The diet must be nutrient-dense. That means foods loaded with nutrients with few calories--green leafy vegetables are the superstars! Animal products are absolutely detrimental and need to be avoided. Refined carbohydrates also should be avoided, (bread, rice, pasta, doughnuts, pastries, etc.).
- Blood pressure has to return to normal range, 120/80, or be slowly improving toward that goal. When you are able to bring your blood pressure back to normal without the use of medications, this represents the reversal of atherosclerosis--blood vessels become more elastic and flexible with nutritional intervention.
Because nutrition has turned into such a confusing topic, people just don't know where to turn---so many people truly believe they are eating a "healthy" diet, but yet their body is telling a different story. The problem is, most doctors are not educated in nutrition! I have said this repeatedly...they only have about 4-6 HOURS of nutritional education during their time spent in medical school.
The nutritional information that the average American gets is coming from the food industries--people making big profits. Remember, money talks--the food industry, including the two big powerhouses--meat and dairy--have brilliant marketing departments. Believe me, they do not care about your health--their focus is on their bottom line--money. They have to ensure that Americans continue to eat more and more meat and dairy, (and will give you all kinds of "reasons" why we it's so important to our health), even though heart disease remains the #1 Killer.
So, we know what the problem is, now we need the solution. Drugs and procedures are only providing band-ads, they are not "curing" anything. To get to the root of the problem, we have to completely cut out the cause. So, we can do this in baby steps, or, we can jump in with both feet--what ever is right for you:
- Get rid of all the processed foods--foods that come in a package, box or can--foods that have ingredient lists more than 5 ingredients long or have ingredients you can't pronounce let alone know what they are. Foods with 5 ingredients or less, and you know what each ingredient is, is on the OK To Eat List.
- Start eliminating animal products--meat. This includes, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and Anything with a face or a mother. Animals store all their cholesterol in tissue and muscle, (along with all the other chemicals that get pumped into them including antibiotics and growth hormones just to name two), so whatever is in that tissue and muscle of the animal you're eating, you also get.
- Start eliminating the next animal product--dairy. Besides having all kinds of saturated fat and cholesterol, just like meat, (some nutritional experts call dairy 'liquid meat'), the main protein in dairy is called casein--scientists now know that casein FEEDS CANCER CELLS. Casein keep cancer cells alive, as does SUGAR. So, not only do we protect ourselves from heart disease by eliminating dairy, we cut off the "food supply" to cancer cells.
- Start stocking up on all kinds of vegetables, fruits, red beans, white beans, black beans, kidney beans, cannellini beans, lentils, whole grains, and nuts and seeds. There are ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES when making dishes from the plant kingdom. Go on line, type in whole food plant based recipes, or Vegan will be inundated with choices. Start by making a few recipes for you and your family..believe me, there are so many choices you never have to be "bored".
By getting rid of the foods that are responsible for making us fat and sick, and start replacing them with foods that give us loads of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, (a substance found ONLY in plants that gives OUR body ammunition against all kinds of diseases), our body will begin to HEAL itself.
The answer to America's health care crisis is really SO's so simple that people doubt it. However, if you do your research, you will find the medical research, (I only get my information from extremely reputable institutions such as Harvard, Berkeley, the Cleveland Clinic and Cornell), repeatedly proving what the POWER OF NUTRITION can do for your health.
If Americans only knew how easy it would be to take their health back.....