Patients trust doctors. That's a given as doctors have studied and dedicated their lives to helping people. Unfortunately, doctors reach for their prescription pad and offer their patients a band-ad. They are not offering a CURE....most of the time, once these patients are started on the laundry list of medications, they are taking them for life! The sad fact is, most people don't know any better....they don't realize it doesn't have to be this way.
Now, I understand a doctor cannot "teach" patients about nutrition during a 15 minute (or less) office visit. Not to mention, most physicians have no background in nutrition...this is not something they were taught. Unfortunately, they are skilled in diagnosing a disease and prescribing pills to "treat" the symptoms. Of course, physicians cannot undo years of neglect and bad eating habits in an office visit or two. But because physicians believe their patients are not going to change their ways, they just hand them prescriptions, maybe mention to "watch your diet", and come back and see me in a couple of months. Nothing really changes.
Patients need to take control of their health and be held ACCOUNTABLE. However, they need to be educated in not only WHAT to eat, but WHY it is IMPERATIVE to eat a Whole Food Plant Based diet (WFPB). We have so many patients in our practice that go through the horrors of cardiac bypass surgery, or stent placements, and think that by "cutting back" on eating animal products, fried foods, dairy products and sugary foods, that they are eating healthy. MODERATION KILLS! I like to use the analogy of a house that's burning....some fire fighters are battling the blaze with water, while there's one person adding just a little bit of fuel to the fire.....therefore, the fire never goes's just a slow burn. That's what people do to themselves when they state, 'everything in moderation'. That doesn't work....take a look around!
The power of nutrition is by far the MOST POWERFUL tool we have in our arsenal. A WFPB diet has been scientifically proven to PREVENT, STOP AND REVERSE the diseases we have in this country today. It's not only about weight loss, (however, the obesity rate we have in this country is out of control), it's about being HEALTHY...feeling good, having endless energy and having the quality of life that you deserve.
All of the diseases that are prevalent today are considered food-related illnesses: heart disease, cancers, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, etc., etc., etc. These can be PREVENTED....they can be REVERSED.
Please don't wait to be diagnosed with a disease...start right would be amazed how QUICKLY your body responds to the food you are feeding it. When you get rid of the artery-clogging, sugar-laden, and processed "food", and start eating all kinds of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole-grains, nuts and seeds, most people start FEELING a difference within the first 1-2 weeks!! WEEKS, not months....WEEKS. The results are AMAZING.
If anyone needs any help transitioning to a WFPB diet, please let me know....this is my passion...I can help you turn your health around...I don't have a doubt in my mind!!