IGF-1--what is that? IGF-1 stands for insulin like growth hormone factor--we all have IGF-1 floating around inside us. It's responsible for an infant growing into a child and a child growing into an adult. While an infant is growing, their IGF-1 levels are high--it's responsible for growth.
However, once we become and adult, we do need IGF-1 to help with cell regeneration, (old cells die off, we need to replace them), but we don't want extra cells--we do not need them to grow once we are adults.
The problem is, with high levels of IGF-1, it PROMOTES tumor growth, it feeds cancer cells, it helps cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, and helps to get blood supply to a new tumor site, keeping that tumor growing. Obviously this is NOT A GOOD THING! What we need to do is to keep IGF-1 levels low so it doesn't create havoc in our body. We all have IGF-1, we do need it, but we need LOW levels of it. So, how do we do THAT?
Researchers placed breast cancer cells in a petri-dish, dripped blood from women with high IGF-1 levels into the petri-dish and watched the cells multiply and grow like crazy! Those same women switched from eating an animal-based diet to a WFPB diet for 12 DAYS, dripped blood samples from them into the petri-dish and WATCHED the cancer cells shrink and disappear!! The sample of blood from just 12 DAYS of eating a WFPB diet, CLEANED UP the petri-dish cancer cells.
Not to get too scientific, but the way this works is, as I said, we have all this IGF-1 floating around; however, our liver produces a IGF-1 "binding protein" which blocks the IGF-1 hormone from doing damage to our body--this is our protection mechanism. The liver releases this binding protein to "tie-up" production of the IGF-1 hormone.
What causes IGF-1 levels to reach high levels in the first place? ANIMAL PRODUCTS!! Animal products increase the levels of IGF-1...whether that "animal" be beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and yes....fish. Researchers conducted a study with groups of men and groups of women. The first study they conducted were with women only. They had 3 different groups: meat eaters, vegetarians(ate fish), and vegans(no animal products whatsoever). The ONLY group that had low levels of IGF-1 were the VEGANS. The vegetarians had a slightly less amount of IGF-1 than the meat eaters, but only the vegans had a SIGNIFICANTLY LESS amount.
The SAME results with the men--only the VEGAN men had SIGNIFICANTLY LESS amounts of IGF-1.
The bottom line is get rid of the foods that are making us so sick--animal products (and processed foods), and eat the foods our body needs to keep us HEALTHY and living a VIBRANT LIFE-- loads of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole-grains and small amounts of nuts and seeds--how easy is that??
The best part--NO PILLS REQUIRED....