Now, I know this comes as a blow to many people...again, myself included. My favorite foods to eat were yogurt, cheese and ice cream. I wasn't able to eat much of these foods, because they are so calorie dense and I always had to watch every bite of food I put in my mouth...if not, the numbers on the scale were on the rise.
Then I learned what these products were doing to my health. Yesterday's blog talked about casein, the protein in dairy products, and how casein feeds cancer cells. To be quite honest, this was all I had to learn....of course I read The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell, which goes into depth in regards to casein. The evidence was blatantly clear....no one should be consuming dairy.
Let's take cheese for example....who doesn't love cheese?? As a matter of fact, cheese was considered by many to be food of the gods....it's anything but. It is made by acidifying milk, adding bacteria and enzymes to convert the casein from soluble to insoluble so the milk will gel. The lactose converts to simple sugar. Enzymes coagulate the casein, whey is pressed and the fat, protein and lactose are broken into simple molecules by bacteria, resulting in cheese--a very concentrated and solid form of FAT.
The production of cheese relies heavily on various molds and bacteria, which wreaks havoc on your digestive tract, resulting in bloating and the accumulation of mucus in your intestines. Cheese causes the body to become acidic, resulting in "damp" intestines, fluid retention, kidney stones and wrinkles...just to name a few. Remember, for cancer cells to thrive, they require a nice acidic environment...cheese gives us just that. Not to mention, cheese is so calorically dense that it can double the calories in a recipe...double!! In my mind, cheese is nothing more than a block of artery-clogging saturated fat which will send your cholesterol levels skyrocketing.
Then there's ice cream....another one of my favorite foods to eat. However, the effects of the dense protein and fats of dairy foods are concentrated in ice cream. Combining the fat with sugar and freezing temperatures make ice cream as indigestible as a dairy food can get. Anything that is freezing cold will cause organ function to slow, growing sluggish, accumulating fat, especially in the intestines. As congestion builds in the digestive tract, it is more difficult to oxygenate the brain, so we begin to feel dull. Think about it, this frozen sweet food is great for numbing body function and paralyzing us emotionally. Not to mention.....casein is the protein in ice cream...it's feeding cancer cells....
There is a HEALTHY alternative to ice cream, and it is delicious! No worries about casein, fat, and sugar--not to mention everything else dairy products come packaged with like hormones and and antibiotics. Here is a recipe that is sure to please everyone:
2 frozen bananas
1/4 cup or less Almond milk
1 T of cocoa powder, unsweetened
1 t vanilla
dash of cinnamon
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
NOTE: Make sure your bananas are frozen solid...I like to freeze them at least 24 hours before using...you won't believe this isn't soft serve ice cream!!