I believe we all must do what is necessary to protect ourselves and our families...there really is no other option. I'm afraid we have been addressing health backwards. Instead of preventing health problems from even beginning, we are focused on managing and treating disease, not preventing or curing it...our current health care system passes out the pills to "treat" the symptoms. We are doing nothing to CURE the problem.
We've handed over the role of educating and caring for ourselves to people "who know better". We are not trusting our own intelligence about what is necessary to have optimal health. This is very concerning because this system that is in place IS NOT WORKING. This system is making us become "patients" and is contributing to illness. The "forces" that are "making the rules" regarding health are limiting the available facts necessary to travel the path to health. Why? Because it's all about money....it really is not about our health...it's about money.
I can say this with clarity because the body of scientific research clearly demonstrates the path to health---but, the conclusions are often times skewed by opinion, financial motives and government regulation. The bottom line is our current research system is not always set up to find the absolute truth, but to demonstrate a positive result supporting the use of a drug.
The cure for many diseases is possible, but the current health care system is not set up to support it. Too much focus is put on management of a disease, as if a cure just isn't possible. Most of the time, physicians don't even consider the possibility that there is something beyond what the medical profession teaches.
When a system encourages the use of multiple medications, but doesn't encourage the consumption of vital nutrients necessary for our body to function optimally, there is a problem! What we need is a combination of science, medicine and facts to guide us in the right direction....facts that are not skewed by someone's personal interests.
Good health occurs by addressing the following areas:
- Proper Nutrition
- Exercise
- Nutrient optimization
- Stress levels
Currently we are digging our graves with our teeth. The root cause of modern disease is based on the FOOD THAT WE EAT. Our food supply is so processed on so many levels that many of us go through the day eating "food-like" substances rather than any REAL FOOD. Unless we get back to the basics of eating REAL FOOD, we will have all kinds of health issues.
Superior health starts with proper nutrition....unfortunately, patients are led to believe that diet plays a minor role in their health....nothing could be further from the truth! You cannot heal a part of your body without healing the whole body--your diet plays the most important part. Nourish health and disease will disappear as a side effect.
So, what do I eat you ask? A whole food plant based diet.....loads of vegetables and fruits...as much as you want! Beans such as black beans, red beans, white beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, etc....whole grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, etc. The majority of your food should not come with labels and ingredient lists a paragraph long with substances we can't even pronounce, real food comes without labels.
Fill you grocery cart with real food found in the produce section....pick every color of the rainbow. The more real food you buy, the less room there will be for all the unhealthy choices that are causing us to become so overweight, sick and tired.
If you need help transitioning to a Whole Food Plant Based diet, please let me know.....I would love to help you!