I was making batches of soup yesterday afternoon when I read an article in Runner's Magazine about wearing the correct clothing for running during the Winter months. Now, I run at 6 am.....I haven't been able to run outside since the end of October because at 6 am it's pitch black outside. I tell myself I can't run on the weekends because it's just too cold. I run on my treadmill....I try to tell myself it's NOT BORING!! However, I know the importance of exercise so I'm either on the treadmill or doing an exercise DVD. Back to the article....it was stating how runners in Alaska gear up for subzero temperatures. I looked outside at that point to see the sun shining and realized how nice it was outside. No excuse...I thought if people in Alaska can run in subzero temperatures, I can run at 30 degrees with the sun shining! So, out I went...it was beautiful.
My point is this...try to do some kind of exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. I read an article recently that stated a person is either decaying or growing. People that do not exercise on a consistent basis will decay. People that exercise consistently, grow. You don't have to kill yourself doing this. No gym membership is required, as a matter of fact, you don't even have to spend money. A really brisk walk counts....for anyone just starting to get into an exercise routine, this is one of the best ways to start. If you can find someone to do this with, even better...you can hold each other accountable.
Again, I work in a busy medical practice...we treat people from ages 18 to 104, (we really do have a patient that is 104 years old!). The difference I see in their QUALITY of life is amazing. We have many patients in their 50's and 60's, (I consider this young), that have all kinds of aches and pains, from knee replacements to back issues, neuropathy from diabetes, etc. Then we have patients in their 70's and 80's that are active everyday and have very busy lifestyles. When I ask them their "secret", they all give me the same answer...you have to eat right and keep moving....it's as simple as that!
So commit to some kind of exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes. If you have time for more than 30 minutes, you will be way ahead of the curve. This week I will exercise everyday.....I don't want to decay...my quality of life depends on it!