So-called organic meats are raised on an organic farm that must feed their animals organic feed and give them access to the outdoors. They are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. However, while some of the toxins may be decreased, switching to organic meat does nothing to decrease the risk for the diseases that remain the biggest killers in America. Cholesterol, fat, (especially saturate fat), and animal protein are the major culprits in meat that put you at a high risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Animal products, no matter how they are produced, increase the risk of many diseases:
CHOLESTEROL: Our liver produces all the cholesterol we require, so remember, we never need to get cholesterol from outside sources. All foods from animals--dairy products, meat, (no matter what kind), fish and eggs--contain cholesterol. Even the leanest chicken cuts have cholesterol, because it lurks in the muscle tissue. Overall, chicken contains as much cholesterol as beef, and much of it is the artery-clogging saturated fat--the worst kind.
Now, let's talk about fish and cholesterol. The cholesterol content in fish vary...a 4 oz serving of tuna has about 40 mg of cholesterol while haddock or rainbow trout has more than 80 mg. None are even close to being cholesterol free and some are extremely high---shellfish like shrimp, lobster and crayfish for example. Ounce for ounce, shrimp have about double the cholesterol of beef!
Now, this next bit of information got my attention: Numerous studies, such as the one conducted at the Western Electric Co. near Chicago, have shown that the more cholesterol you ingest, the higher your risk of artery blockages, REGARDLESS OF BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEVEL. Less cholesterol on your plate means less risk for heart problems--as much as 50% less--whether or not it lowers blood cholesterol levels!
At an International conference of leading heart researchers, including physicians from Harvard, Berkeley, etc., concluded that "the optimal intake of cholesterol in the adult is probably zero". This is the same conclusion that came out of the Harvard researcher studies done in the past. A diet containing red meat, as well as any chicken, turkey, fish, beef, eggs, or any dairy products at all, is not a zero-cholesterol diet.
SATURATED FAT: Saturated fat is even WORSE than cholesterol in foods--and its content is not affected by organic status. Saturated fat is really harmful because it stimulates the liver to produce more cholesterol. Now what comes as a surprise to many people is even chicken and turkey breast cooked without the skin have significant amounts of saturated fats. About 15-30% of the fat in fish is SATURATED FAT.
HEART DISEASE: The four major risks for heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. None of these are alleviated by switching to organic meat.
As numerous studies have repeatedly proven, diet can be an effective treatment for heart disease. However, the current national guidelines that recommend lean cuts of meat and fish ARE NOT ENOUGH TO ALLEVIATE THE DISEASE! By following this type of recommendation, studies show you will not be effective in preventing or reversing heart disease. By following this type of guideline, not only will it not lower cholesterol effectively, but it does not reverse arterial blockages and, in fact, studies have shown it allows blockages to gradually worsen for most patients. Why?? Because we continue to add fuel to the fire. Organic or not, it does not make a difference!! Unfortunately, because of studies such as this, the "gold standard" treatment, (lean cuts of meat, chicken, etc), proves that diet alone is not effective for the prevention or reversal of heart disease---THIS CANNOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!
A Whole-Foods Plant-Based diet has consistently proven to be the most effective in preventing and reversing heart disease, (not to mention the prevention of cancer, respiratory issues, stroke, types of arthritis, etc.). Several clinical studies have proven to not only PREVENT heart disease, but REVERSE the disease by shrinking coronary artery blockages--something a low-fat diet that includes animal products has NOT been able to prove.
So, for anyone that wants to lower their cholesterol level, lower their blood pressure, PREVENT HEART DISEASE and or REVERSE THE DAMAGE THAT MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN DONE, following a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet is your answer. And, this is possible WITHOUT making pharmaceutical companies richer...this can be done WITHOUT MEDICATION!! Remember one of my mottos--There is no drug available that can match the POWER OF NUTRITION!!
So, back to the original question....To buy organic meat or decide.
If I can help anyone wanting to transition to a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet, please contact me...I would love to help you. This can be done by taking baby steps, or some people like to just jump in with both makes no difference. Either way, you are taking steps to a much healthier life!