Heart disease is the Number One Killer in America today and has been in the top spot forever. Of course, Number Two is cancer. History has proven to us that 100 years ago, these two diseases were just about non-existent. And, let's not even mention diabetes, which today is at epidemic proportions in the United States....our 9 year old children are being diagnosed with a disease that was only found in adults 50 years and older, (used to be called Adult Onset Diabetes....now we call it Type 2 diabetes).
WE CAN ERADICATE THESE DISEASE-STATES by choosing what foods we eat! Science has proven this over and over again. These disease states can not only be prevented, but they can be REVERSED!! Your body is a miraculous machine that will HEAL ITSELF when given the RIGHT nutrition.
By eliminating the foods that caused arteries to become clogged with saturated fat and cholesterol and start eating foods that IMPROVE artery walls and keep blood flowing through smoothly and efficiently, heart disease risk drops like a ROCK! By eliminating foods that create an acidic environment (cancer cells THRIVE in an acidic environment) and FEED cancer cells giving them ammunition to multiple and push out our healthy cells, cancer risk drops like a ROCK! All of the major diseases we have today that take the lives of millions of Americans every year CAN BE PREVENTED, STOPPED and many times, REVERSED. How? WITH FOOD!!!
By feeding yourself vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grains, you are giving your body optimal nutrition to work with. All the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals in these foods give your healthy cells AMMUNITION to fight and KILL the toxic invaders that we all have (from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, pesticides and other toxic pollutants we come in contact with) in us. By keeping our healthy cells strong and well-nourished, our body can perform miraculous feats....literally!
We HAVE to give our body what it needs to work efficiently and it will give us SUPERIOR health. By eliminating the foods that have caused us to get into the MESS we are in today, i.e., meat, dairy, sugar, artificial and processed "foods", and replace them with a HUGE VARIETY of vegetables, fruit, beans, and whole grains, our health will SOAR.
I'm telling you that you can absolutely TURN YOUR HEALTH around. When we "cut off" the CAUSE of the problem, whether that be heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., the disease is no longer able to thrive. When we cut off the "life line", disease states are able to literally disappear. It's better than MAGIC!!
However, by changing your diet completely around, don't expect a "CURE" to happen in a week or two. It took much longer than a week or two for your disease state to "surface". But, I will tell you this, in just one week's time, you will FEEL different....you will feel like you are improving. That's one week!! Can you imagine how you will FEEL and LOOK by continuing to eat this way?? Again, nothing short of MIRACULOUS!
I have said this before and I will continue to say this.....Nothing compares to the POWER of NUTRITION...Mother Nature wouldn't have it any other way......