The answer to this 'perfect storm", doesn't lie with the medical profession or medical lies within each and every one of us. We have given the role of educating and caring for ourselves to people who "know better". We no longer trust our own intelligence about what is necessary for our optimal health.
When the people "who know better" lead us to believe all the thousands of chemicals, dyes and toxins that are present in our "food system" are safe, we are in serious trouble. This is a growing concern because these powerful forces that make us sick and contribute to all the illnesses we now have continue to reap the benefits of our poor health.
There is a body of scientific evidence that clearly demonstrates the path to health--BUT the conclusions are frequently skewed by opinion, financial motives and government regulation.
The research studies with positive findings are published, while studies with negative findings are hidden from public view...why, because big corporations stand to lose large sums of money. The bottom line is--our current research system is not always set up to find the absolute truth, but often to demonstrate a positive result supporting the use of a drug. In our current society, we are not out to prevent a disease, but to manage the disease without ever curing it.
We have worshiped medicine for too long. The cure of many modern diseases is possible, but the current state of medicine is not structured to support it. We focus on management of disease, as if there is absolutely no cure...this is so far from the truth! Christopher Nagy, MD, stated, "Asking the current medical system to cure disease is similar to asking the government for advice on the best way to save money and reduce waste".
When a system encourages the consumption of medication, but doesn't encourage the consumption of vital and necessary nutrients, there is so much work that needs to be done. "Promoting health while ignoring the prevention is no different that rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic", states Dr. Nagy. The real experts will tell you, the five areas that will promote GOOD HEALTH are as follows:
- Proper Nutrition--first and foremost
- Exercise
- Hormone Balance
- Nutrient optimization (eating nutrient-dense foods--plant-based diet)
- Managing Stress
Each of these areas must be addressed to support and improve health. Unless we understand the value of eating real food, improvement will be limited. Superior health starts with PROPER NUTRITION. So many times patients are told that diet plays a minor role in disease...this statement is so far from the truth. You cannot heal a part of the body without healing the whole body--diet plays the key role. Nourish health and disease will disappear as a side effect.
We cannot medicate our way to health.
This is not is just a change of mindset. Change your mind and your body will follow. Eat REAL that doesn't come with all kinds of packaging and nutritional food that nature intended us to eat without all the added chemicals, dyes and toxins.
Eat more foods that come from the plant kingdom...the more real food you eat, the less room there will be for the 'man-made in the lab food'. Continuing to rely on and follow the direction of the people who are "in charge" of giving us nutritional information, will only give us more of the same--society as a whole continues to become heavier and sicker, and Big Business gets richer and richer.
The health care change you need.....starts with you.
Anyone needing help transitioning from the way you are eating now to a Whole Food Plant Based diet, please contact me...I would love to help you receive the best gift there is to get: YOUR HEALTH!