But, the news only gets better. The high-fiber content of vegetables fills you up faster and keeps you feeling full longer, so no more bingeing! But, here's the REAL kicker--vegetables provide the body with many essential nutrients that create the energy to fuel muscle cells. This gives you energy to burn, which creates a desire to be ACTIVE, which in turn burns calories.
Vegetables are also low in sodium, which you may be saying to yourself, "so what". But consider this--the average person carries around about 5 pounds of extra weight as a result of sodium consumption, which causes the intestines to hold fluid. Eating less sodium will allow your body to get rid of that excess fluid. The end result--you can feel your stomach getting flatter already!!
Now, what do we do about our sweet cravings? Well, we all know that sugar is just not good for us...it will quickly raise blood sugar levels, make our pancreas work harder than it has to, gives us no nutritional value whatsoever, and, of course, puts weight on us. Eating sugary foods will give us more and more empty calories and increase the size of our waistlines, which increases our risk for diabetes.
The solution for sweet cravings? Eat vegetables that grow close to the ground--winter squash, (butternut, acorn, Hubbard, etc.), artichokes, carrots, parsnips and beets--they will all serve you to hold sweet cravings at bay, help to balance your blood sugar level, and help you keep your weight under control. Remember, you have to avoid sugar consistently for about 21 days...you will lose the craving for it...include these vegetables in your daily diet for 7-10 days and see how your sweet cravings loosen their grip on you. Just don't cook them with butter(OMG no!!), brown sugar or marshmallows!!!
Now, the best food on the planet is leafy greens. Green leafy vegetables work to support your liver. Your liver has the job of helping your body get rid of toxins. For a little gland, it has a serious job to do. Your liver function determines whether or not you can stabilize your weight. But, the liver has no idea how to handle artificial ingredients and chemicals. They are completely foreign to our body as we were not designed to eat anything artificial. So when your liver is constantly bombarded by these artificial substances, it has to work overtime to do all the jobs it is required to do as well as help us get rid of all these toxins. High fructose corn syrup is at the top of the list as far as toxins go...and it is in everything!! Read labels...remember, my rule is no more than 5 ingredients and you must know what all ingredients are.
These leafy green vegetables will help the liver break down fat and protein...they are an invaluable tool in rebalancing your liver so it can do the job it was meant to do.
The best vitamins and minerals to STIMULATE weight loss include riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, choline, vitamin C, chromium, manganese and zinc. Where do you get all these valuable vitamins and minerals? In a vegetable called DAIKON. Daikon is a long white root and has been used in Asia for centuries. It has a subtle peppery flavor that is delicious in salads, stews, casseroles or even oven-roasted. I think the most effective way to use daikon is in soup. By putting it in broth, the nutrients can get delivered to the cells more efficiently. The power of daikon goes to work quickly. Last but probably even more important than weight loss...daikon is a rich source of cancer-fighting compounds.
A Whole Food Plant Based diet is really the absolute best "diet" anyone can eat. There is no other "diet" out there that can truthfully tell you to eat all the food you want and lose weight. If you are eating foods from the plant kingdom, you can eat until heart's desire, literally, and lose weight!
If there is another "diet" out there that SCIENTIFICALLY PROVES THIS, I need to know about it......