#1 Killer--HEART DISEASE: An extremely massive study was conducted over 35 YEARS--the Nurse's Health Study--It began in 1976 following 121,700 people---the study was set up to show "competing risk analysis" which means researchers compared all kinds of different risk factors and the effects they had on heart disease. What these scientists discovered, in my mind, should be plastered on billboards, in the media, in magazines......everywhere for people to see. However, I only see drug companies promoting their drugs on TV....I don't see commercials showing us how to prevent the problem to begin with....Hmmm, I wonder if the meat and dairy industries have anything to do with this.....
The effect the cholesterol amount of a SINGLE egg had the same effect on our body as SMOKING 5 cigarettes a day for 15 YEARS!! By eating a SINGLE egg a day, the effect on our body was as bad as smoking??? WHAT?? And, who eats a single egg when eating eggs?
The most protective factor against heart disease--FIBER CONSUMPTION--eating fiber was as protective as much as jogging 4 hours a week!! Where does fiber come from? ZERO AMOUNT in meat---PLANT KINGDOM--LOADED WITH FIBER. All of our fiber is found in plants....ZERO in animals.
Simple equation here is: Intake of cholesterol=shorter life
Fiber=longer, HEALTHIER life
According to the expert cardiologists, most heart attacks are amongst people with "normal cholesterol levels". What this tells the experts is, our normal cholesterol ranges are set way too high....in order to "heart attack proof" yourself, your numbers must be WAY BELOW the recommended guidelines. Remember, you don't want a LOW RISK of a heart attack, you want NO RISK.
OK, so we take a pill to lower our cholesterol.....well, remember, cholesterol medication comes with a list of side effects miles long...serious side effects. Now the FDA is mandating new labeling on cholesterol medications to include NEW WARNINGS on top of the list these medications already come with. The new labeling includes: memory loss, confusion and increased blood sugar levels leading to....diabetes. So, our cholesterol level will come down, but now on top of all the other side effects, we now have to worry about diabetes?? Well it doesn't end there....
It seems that inflammation in the blood vessels is a huge indicator of heart disease. What does this mean? To put it very simply, researchers gave individuals a fatty meal to measure the inflammation it would cause in their blood vessels. Researchers gave participants in the study a Sausage Egg McMuffin to eat, then measured the inflammation in the lining of their vascular system (blood vessels). Within minutes of eating this Egg McMuffin, their vascular system became EXTREMELY inflamed causing "stiff" arteries with blood flow reduced going through their arteries. After 4-5 hours, their arteries went back to normal, (flexible and blood flow returned to normal), only for it to be time to eat lunch!! What then, more fatty foods back in our bodies causing inflammation again. Once everything "normalized", time for dinner.....this cycle continues all day everyday and what happens? We have chronic inflammation of our vascular system and this leads to HEART ATTACKS. Not a pill out there that will stop this inflammatory process from happening.
This same inflammatory process of our blood vessels is also affecting our respiratory system causing chronic inflammation of our airways.....
The point is, cholesterol lowering drugs WILL NOT HELP this inflammatory process...by eating saturated fats found in animal products, our vascular systems will constantly be going through this horrendous cycle. After eating this way for years, our arteries will become "hardened", (this is where the phrase, hardening of the arteries comes from, leading to dementia), and will remain that way. We want and absolutely can have, soft, flexible arteries with blood rushing through....not stiff, rigid, narrowing of the arteries which only leads to....a heart attacks and a host of other diseases.
Following a Whole Food Plant Based Diet will not only add years to your life...that's not the only reason...but it will give you optimal health for the time you are here....I want to be that person that's in my 70's to 90's still running around...still healthy and active and contributing to society....I don't want to be sitting in my rocker too stiff to move, taking more medications than I can count, (believe me, there are more people out there with a grocery list of medications...I see them everyday and wonder how they get them all in over the course of 24 hours), and missing out on life.
If you want to live life to the fullest and be HEALTHY doing it....I can show you the way...