Although gene-spliced plants like soy, corn, cotton and canola were nonexistent twenty years ago, by 2002 they made up the majority of the 145 million acres of GMO crops planted in four major GMO producing nations. Most of the food in the grocery stores are now contaminated with GMO food ingredients, without your knowledge or consent.
We are now in the middle of the largest feeding experiment in history and we human beings are the guinea pigs. One of our greatest tools for change is the power of knowledge. The following list contains the top 10 worst GMO foods:
- Corn. The worst GMO food is corn. More than half of all US farms growing corn for Monsanto, (they are responsible for GMO's), are using GMO corn. Genetically modified organisms have been linked to serious health issues such as weight gain and organ disruption.
- Soy. Soy is found in tofu, vegetarian products, soybean oil, soy flour and numerous other products. Soy has been modified to resist herbicides...Monsanto has a tight grip on the soy market...in one year's time, Monsanto's soy has been sprayed with 96.7 million pounds of herbicide...that's just on soy. Please know, Monsanto not only produces these seeds, but they PRODUCE the toxin that is being sprayed on the seeds. They have a win-win situation!
- Sugar. In 2009, genetically modified sugar beets were introduced to the US market. Again, they have been modified by Monsanto to resist herbicides.
- Aspartame. This is a toxic substance found in many food products and should be avoided for several reasons, including the fact that it is produced using genetically modified bacteria....think about that the next time you want a diet Pepsi.
- Papayas. This comes as a big surprise to me! Come to find out, GMO papayas have been grown in Hawaii since 1999 for consumption. Though they can't be sold to the European countries, they have been welcomed with open arms in the U.S. and Canada.
- Canola. This is one of the most chemically altered foods in the American diet, canola is obtained from rapeseeds through a series of chemical actions.
- Cotton. Found in cotton oil, cotton originating in India and China in particular, have series risks.
- Dairy. Your dairy products most likely contain the growth hormone, more than 1/5 of all dairy cows in America are pumped with these hormones. In fact, Monsanto's growth hormone has been banned in 27 countries, but, it's still in being pumped in U.S. cows. If you must buy milk, make sure it's organic. However, the healthier choice for EVERYONE in your family is a plant-based milk like Almond milk.
- Zucchini. Modified to resist viruses.
- Yellow squash. Just like zucchini, modified to resist viruses.
This list gives us only the top 10 worst foods....there are several other GMO foods out there we have no idea about. For instance, tomatoes are also known to be genetically modified. The only way to know your food hasn't been tampered with is to buy organic.
I know organic is more expensive, but, this is our health we are talking about. Really think about this...how often do we spend $4 on some foolish Starbuck's concoction, but, can't afford to buy organic tomatoes for our family's meal?