American car manufacturers are spending more on health care costs than the steel that goes into their cars. Our current high-tech medicine is no longer sustainable trying to battle these Western Killer Diseases.
There is hope--by teaching people to make lifestyle changes to prevent, stop and reverse these chronic diseases. People everywhere can live not only a healthy life, but the "best life". That's a life full of health and happiness.
What you eat affects all aspects of your being--probably more than anything else you do. Food can cause disease or prevent and reverse it. When you eat junk, you aren't nourishing your body, just your waistline. The more we can eat closer to nature the better. Processed foods are absolutely horrible for anyone, whether you are 2 or doesn't matter. What's processed food consist of?....
Whole foods found at the Farmer's Market or produce section at your grocery store--foods that are in the same state as they were on the farm--UNPROCESSED.
Foods stripped of fiber and refined are PROCESSED. Foods that have been concentrated and separated from the rest of the plant they come from, i.e., sugars and oils top the list--PROCESSED.
Fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole-grains, nuts and seeds--UNPROCESSED.
Fruit Loops and potato chips--PROCESSED.
Brown rice--UNPROCESSED.
White rice--PROCESSED.
Here's a simple rule of thumb: If you can make it in your kitchen combining unprocessed ingredients by cooking, blending and mixing, you are eating unprocessed food. Mixing carrots, lentils, and spinach to make soup--Unprocessed. Blend fruits together to make a smoothie--Unprocessed.
Fruit Loops cannot be made in your kitchen--PROCESSED.
Sugar cannot be made in your kitchen--PROCESSED.
The yellow powdered cheese in boxed mac n cheese--PROCESSED.
What about bread? Whole-grain--processed or unprocessed? If you buy bread whose main ingredient is sprouted wheat berries, you are in the unprocessed area. If white flour is the main ingredient--you are in Fruit Loop territory.
So, really the bottom line is as close to nature as you can...loads of vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grains. Also, eat nuts and seeds, but in moderation if weight is a concern. A recent website I stumbled across with so many easy recipes is: ChefAJ', easy and delicious!!
All you have to do is take that first step......If you need help or guidance, I'm here......