Our current "system" of scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, medical doctors, government agencies, pharmaceuticals, food industries, health insurance, hospitals and media have all worked together, (I would like to think unknowingly), to create a highly destructive overall system. Our current "system" is destroying our health as well as the planet.
Dr. Richard Oppenlander, author of, Comfortably Unaware, states, "With health professionals continuing to advocate the consumption of meat and dairy products, true wellness for us and for our planet, will be impossible to achieve. This brings light to the fact that we have a system of suppressed information and a misplaced trust of individuals and institutions that provide inaccurate and misleading information. All this needs to change in order for progress to occur. The mismanagement of information or outright ignorance of reality regarding our food choices and the toll that it takes on our health and environment is the reason we are at where we are today."
We must try and fix this system with urgency....our current health system is crumbling underneath us. We maintain our cars better than we maintain our health! We cannot wait for thousands of scientists, doctors, politicians and corporate executives to un-learn all that they have been taught so that they can open their minds to the BLINDING FLASH OF THE OBVIOUS that we're eating the WRONG FOODS!! All of those people have a strong financial incentive to maintain the current status quo, and that's simply not going to work for our future grandchildren.
So what's the solution? I think we have to assemble the right kind of leaders, thinkers, teachers and communicators to start disseminating the TRUTH about food. When we have the "true experts" from the nutritional world, people with exquisite credibility, we would be able to influence the greatest number of people to move rapidly in the direction of a whole food plant based diet.
But, we need to start moving in this direction now...not in months or in years...we just don't have that kind of time. The health of this country it headed down a very slippery slope. Our current health care system just cannot continue to support an ever increasing nation of sick people. The Number One cause of this health decline--our food. We have to get back to the basics--back to vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains. The closer our food is to the "whole food", nothing added to it or stripped from it, the better it is for our body. Get rid of all the foods that are GIVING us DISEASE, (processed foods, meat and dairy), and eat foods that GIVE US BACK OUR HEALTH....vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains.
It's really as SIMPLE as that....we can CURE our very unhealthy nation of people just by educating them with the TRUTH about food. We could potentially have such a surplus of money in our health care system, (as we would have a nation of healthy people) that we could possibly use that abundance of money to help educate our children.
Want to learn more about a Whole Food Plant Based diet? Contact me...I would love to help you make that transition to the healthiest diet for yourself and your family....