The Number 1 Killer in America--heart disease--has been proven to be effectively treated with a plant-based diet because food is a package deal. Even having what's considered to be "normal" cholesterol can be extremely dangerous--the most EFFECTIVE way to lower cholesterol is through a whole food plant based diet with KNOWN BENEFITS. While switching to a plant based diet, this does NOT mean that we should eat recklessly until symptoms appear due to risk of sudden cardiac death.
A plant based diet can also help in preventing and slowing the progression of many cancers. This is because a plant based diet is loaded with anti-cancer antioxidants and phytochemicals, which have been PROVEN to repair damaged DNA. Interestingly enough, the POWER of plants can be seen most clearly in modern medicine. But, we cannot get the power of plants in pill form--that's not the way Mother Nature intended it to be. All the nutrients and antioxidants in vegetables and fruits are DESIGNED to work TOGETHER, much like a symphony orchestra, to give our bodies exactly what they need. By isolating certain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc., you simply CANNOT get the same benefit...this has been proven repeatedly.
Additionally, a plant based diet helps with a healthy GI tract, prevents and treats type II diabetes, prevents gallstones, improves cognition, prevents age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, slows aging, reduces allergies, reduces waistlines, improves and prevents rheumatoid arthritis, and CONTROLS WEIGHT, just to name a few. Show me a pill that has the power to do all that!! Believe there isn't one---however, if big pharma could concoct what a plant based diet is able to do for health, the company would be a multi-billion dollar company several times over.
When eating a plant based diet, you will reduce the amount of industrial toxins that you get when eating meat. The industrial toxins are concentrated in the animal's fat--we are exposed to enough toxins on a daily basis, we do not need to expose ourselves to even more by eating meat. Once a person is following a plant based diet and meat has been eliminated, the beauty is our body will detoxify itself from these pollutants--all with the help of the plants.
Contrary to popular belief, people eating a whole food plant based diet have healthier bones and just the right amount of protein than their meat-eating counterparts. The only two vitamins a person has to be concerned about is B12 and D--B12 comes from the soil and Vitamin D comes from the sun. Way back when, before we became germ-a-phobes, vegetables were not "sanitized" and scrubbed with chlorinated water, (by the way, chlorine is one of the MOST toxic chemicals we can put in our body--it is banned in Europe), we were ingesting the micro-organisms that produced B12. However, that is no longer the case, so B12 levels need to be monitored. Living in the Northeast, we just do not get enough sunshine, so the majority of people's Vitamin D is very low. These are really the only two vitamins that need to be watched closely ensuring our levels are adequate. Other than that, every single nutrient our body needs to THRIVE are available in the plant kingdom.
So, fill your grocery carts up with all kinds of vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grains. Eat until your heart's content--when following a whole food plant based diet, there is no need to count calories, carbs, fats, yada, yada, yada.....this way of eating is nutrient-dense and low in calories---so stop "dieting" and eat the way Mother Nature intended us to eat.
Remember, if it goes in your grocery cart, it goes in your stomach--so eat the colors of the rainbow and watch what happens to your body!!