The first person was a 44 year old physician working at the Cleveland Clinic. Now, for those of you that aren't familiar with the Cleveland Clinic, it is a world-renowned hospital for heart disease. They are the pioneers of heart transplants and cutting edge treatment. This 44 year old physician starts having chest pain, goes to one of the cardiologists and has the "normal" testing done.....bottom line, his coronary arteries are blocked and he must have bypass surgery. There was no family history for heart disease, he was not overweight, he did not smoke, and his total cholesterol was 156....he was devastated! He thought his diet was O.K. He was eating the Standard American Diet, (SAD), but he thought because he ate mostly chicken, fish and maybe beef once or twice a month, he was eating healthier than most people.
He decided he was not having the surgery done and was going to radically change his way of eating. He met with Dr. Esselstyn, world renowned physician who has one of the largest programs for reversing heart disease with DIET. Dr. Esselstyn started him on a 100% whole-food plant-based diet....that means no meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, or oil. This physician and his wife dramatically changed their eating habits, ate absolutely 100% plant based foods, and in two weeks this man's angina pain was GONE, and, in two months his total cholesterol went from 156 to 89 WITHOUT MEDICATION. An angiogram was done, (where they look inside the coronary arteries for blockages), which showed COMPLETE REVERSAL OF HEART DISEASE. This all happened in a two month time frame....no medication, no SURGERY!!!
The next man that told his story was just an average person in his mid 60's, retired. He went to his doctor for a check up as he was experiencing chest pain on and off. Come to find out, his main artery was 100% blocked, with three other arteries 85-90% blocked. This man couldn't believe it...he and his wife cut out beef and pork altogether....they ate only skinless chicken breast and fish. What this man and his wife didn't realize was, chicken and fish have just as much cholesterol as the beef and pork they stopped eating. This man also opted out of bypass surgery. He went home and started educating himself in how to save his life. His doctor's were livid with him telling him he needed this surgery as well as medication in order to save his life.
The same scenario unfolded....this man and his wife went 100% whole food plant based....absolutely nothing with a face or a mother was eaten, oil was completely cut out of their diets and in two months' time, this man's disease was COMPLETELY REVERSED by diet ALONE. The doctor's could not believe it....After he was told his heart disease was reversed, he started walking everyday....just a little bit at first as he hadn't exercised in a long time. He and his wife would go a little longer each day.....Seven months later, this man ran an 8.2 mile race and finished!! He states he has never felt better in his whole life and would never revert back to his old ways....ever.
The third person to share their story was a 60+ year old female physician who was a marathon runner. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. Again, she was devastated....she too thought she was eating a healthy diet, ran just about everyday of her life.....how could SHE have breast cancer? She ate chicken, fish, skim milk, low fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Well, she had a tumor that had to be removed, which she had done, and then was told she must have chemo and radiation to "zap" the stray cells that are floating around. Because she knew that chemotherapy and radiation is the CAUSE of so many deaths in people diagnosed with cancer, she would NOT be going through that. Instead, she decided to do her own research and find a way to SAVE HER LIFE. She stumbled upon Dr. John McDougall and his whole-food plant-based way of eating.
This physician, like the other two people above, dramatically changed her way of eating to a 100% plant based diet. This is what saved her life!! The goal for most breast cancer patients is to make it past the 5 year mark of being "cancer-free". Once a patient makes it past that point, they are considered a success story....if they are diagnosed at year 6 with recurrence of cancer, they are STILL CONSIDERED A SUCCESS....WHAT???? This is how statistics are skewed...However, the physician is now 20 years past that 5 year mark, continues to race marathons and is CANCER-FREE!! No chemotherapy or radiation needed.....
The bottom line is this, we have to get to the ROOT of the PROBLEM and cut it off! Having surgeries and procedures along with taking medications are not SOLVING the problem. Maybe for a short period of time the symptoms are gone, but if the CAUSE of the problem has not been addressed, (OUR DIETS), then the SAMETHING will happen again. If stents are put in a patient's coronary artery and their diet has not changed, what do you think is going to happen?? The stents will clog and the patient is back to square 1, or even worse, without changing their diet, more arteries may be blocked resulting in another 1 or 2 or more stents being put in.
Heart disease is a PREVENTABLE AND OR REVERSIBLE DISEASE, PERIOD. It does not have to exist, but the sad fact is, heart disease is the #1 KILLER in America today....#1. Why.....it's all about the food we have on the end of our forks....
If you want help in transitioning to a Whole-food plant-based diet, please let me know...I would love to help you change your health...there is no greater gift you could give your family!