These are the questions and concerns I hear most frequently from many, many people. Unfortunately, nutrition is the most CONFUSING topic out there. Everyday we listen to the media tell us a particular food is good for us, only to find out the next day it is bad for us.
First lesson, STOP listening to the MEDIA! These people are not experts on nutrition. Most of the information they "feed" to us everyday in regards to nutrition comes from very unreliable sources.
In order to get to the facts, we have to follow the SCIENCE. The experts I follow are the Doctors that have been following the science, doing their research, and treating their thousands of patients with a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. Some of these doctors include: John McDougall, MD, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, Dean Ornish, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Terry Shintani, MD, Joel Fuhrman, MD and T. Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, just to name a few.
Now these physicians have nothing to personally gain by telling us this is the diet everyone needs to follow to have optimal health. They are not being paid by any company promoting a certain food or food group. This group of doctors have PREVENTED disease from starting, STOPPED the progression of disease, and many times REVERSED disease in their patients by "treating" them with a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. The side effect from this way of eating: WEIGHT LOSS!
The science is so strong in this lifestyle that insurance companies are now requiring their participating physicians to become educated in a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle. Why? Because this way of eating will lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, reverse chronic diseases, strengthen your immune system, allow your body to heal itself, and LOSE WEIGHT!! Getting patients off of medications, preventing disease, reversing disease, allowing patients to heal their bodies with food will save the insurance companies millions of dollars. Why wouldn't they encourage their doctors to become educated in a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle?
When you eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, (beans, peas and lentils), you will be getting everything your body needs to thrive, heal and repair itself. Everything your body needs for optimal health is found in the plant kingdom. The majority of Americans get no where near the amount of FIBER they need in their diet--most do not even come close. What foods have fiber? PLANTS! Animal products--ZERO fiber.
Where will we get our calcium and protein from? PLANTS! Most people do not realize that plants have everything we need to meet our daily requirements. There are two exceptions to this rule--Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D--B12 comes from an organism in the soil, (unless you are eating dirt, we need to supplement this), and Vitamin D--this comes from the sun which most of us don't get enough of. Everyone should have their Vitamin D level checked by their physician before taking a supplement. Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin which means if you get "too much" your body will just get rid of it through your urine. These two vitamins are the ONLY TWO supplements you need to concern yourself with--everything you will get through your diet.
Should you have any other questions or concerns about a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle, please contact me either through this site or my email: [email protected].
I want everyone to have all their questions and concerns answered before we start our 30 DAY CHALLENGE on MAY 1!!