Because I work with physicians from India and Africa, I have a little better understanding of herbs and spices and how to incorporate them in your everyday cooking. Now, these physicians eat their foods EXTREMELY SPICY. They often tell their story of how when they first arrived here, the only "American food" they could eat was pizza that came loaded with jalapeno peppers....everything else was "tasteless". The Asians prepare their dishes with loads of herbs and spices, and really are full of flavor....minus the "hot and spicy spices".
For anyone that has visited an Indian market, you know they are loaded with dozens of herbs and spices. Along with the amazing health benefits they have to offer, herbs and spices also add flavor and aroma to any dish. Research has shown that herbs and spices also have the potential to boost metabolism and help with weight management.
So, spruce up your daily cooking with a dash of herbs and spices to give your metabolism a little kick. Here is a list of the most common, available in any market:
CINNAMON: This is one of the best weight loss herbs because it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, keeps you feel full for a longer time, decreases hunger pangs, and metabolizes fats at a faster rate.
GINGER: Ginger is a very good body cleanser. Ginger helps to remove the food logged in the digestive system and therefore, prevents fat storage and weight gain.
CARDAMOM: This spice helps boost your metabolism and improve your body's ability to burn fat.
TURMERIC: This yellow-orange spice has several weight-loss properties. It helps to reduce the formation of fat tissues, therefore lowering total body fat and prevents weight gain.
ACAI BERRY: Studies show the juice from the acai berry can improve the ability to lose weight effectively. They help to prevent the fat build-up in the body and have enormous antioxidant properties.
CAYENNE PEPPER: This spice includes a compound called capsaicin, which helps to burn fat and suppresses our hunger cravings. According to research done by Purdue University--cayenne is effective in weight loss, increases the body's metabolic activity which causes the body to burn more calories.
CUMIN: Cumin helps to improve your digestive process and production of energy. Cumin seeds also help to boost your immune system.
GINSENG: Ginseng helps to boost energy levels and speeds up metabolic rate.
BLACK PEPPER: This commonly-used spice is filled with a compound called piperine. This helps in boosting your metabolism. Black pepper also helps in improving your digestive system and helps to burn fat at a faster rate.
FLAXSEEDS: Flaxseeds acts as a bulking agent and gives you a feeling of fullness. Therefore, they prevent you from overeating and helps you to lose weight.
MUSTARD: Mustard is a very good weight loss herb, as it helps to boost the body's metabolic activity.
FENNEL SEED: These tiny seeds aid in digestion and help to regulate your hunger. Besides, it also helps in cleansing your liver.
So experiment with a few of these herbs. Maybe buy a new one to try every week or two. When first trying them, don't over do it....some are really full of flavor and can be overpowering....a little can go a long way. I find the easiest and best ways to get lots of different herbs and spices in your dishes is to throwing them in soups and stews...very flavorful!