Now, if you know me, you know how I will respond to these issues...99% of the time the solution to all these problems is YOUR DIET! Animal products set our body up to be very acidic...cancer cells THRIVE in an acidic environment...the opposite of an acidic environment is an environment high in alkaline ...cancer cells cannot survive in a highly alkaline environment.
The same goes for the common symptoms listed above...when we eliminate animal products from our diet, the fatigue, body aches and pains, headaches, indigestion and heartburn disappear! Don't roll your eyes...I'm telling you the truth... this works!! Foods that really help with indigestion are:
- BANANAS. They are great for digestion as they don't irritate your stomach. As a matter of fact, many physicians will tell their patients to go on the BRAT diet for vomiting and diarrhea issues. The BRAT diet consists of bananas, rice, applesauce and dry toast.
- WATER. Excellent for digestion. Water keeps food moving through your GI tract.
- GINGER. This really does sooth an upset stomach. The best way to consume ginger...just put some in warm/hot water with a little honey, or put it in some tea....very soothing.
- PREBIOTIC FOODS. Prebiotic foods contain a type of fiber that probiotics feed off of to multiply. The more probiotics we have in our intestines, the stronger our immune system is. Probiotic foods include: asparagus, oats, lentils and whole-grains.
Foods that can cause indigestion:
- DAIRY. Dairy causes bloating and abdominal discomfort.
- SPICY FOODS. If your body is already acidic, spicy foods will only add more aggravation. Spicy foods can trigger acid reflux symptoms.
- CHOCOLATE: Triggers reflux.
- CAFFEINE. Triggers reflux.
- SODA. Triggers reflux.
- FATTY FOODS. Induces heartburn and diarrhea.
- ALCOHOL. Triggers reflux and inflammation in the stomach.
If people try to eliminate animal products for a few weeks, especially dairy, they are amazed at how much better they feel...once they are able to eliminate animal products all together....their indigestion and heartburn is a problem of the past. NO MEDICATION NEEDED!!
I sincerely believe that if people ate the right foods, eliminated processed foods and animal products, we could put the pharmaceutical companies out of business.....As Hippocrates (father of medicine) said, "Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine".