Unfortunately, the majority of people just do not have a clue about the power of nutrition. It is more potent than any drug on the market, nutrition can prevent disease from starting, it can stop the progression of any further disease, and, BEST OF ALL, most times nutrition can REVERSE the damage that has already been done. Show me a drug that has that POWER. As the saying goes, 'Nothing beats the power of mother nature'.
Time and time again people tell me about the medical issues their parents have, such as high cholesterol, heart disease, different types of cancers, high blood pressure...the list goes on and on....and these people think that it's in their genes, they are destined to have these issues. THIS IS SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH!!! This is great news....you are in no way destined to have these issues. Remember, we can PREVENT diseases from starting in the first place. This is the best scenario....prevent the disease from starting.
You may have the same gene as your parents that predispose you to high cholesterol levels, but SOMETHING HAS TO EXPRESS THAT GENE. Genes don't just express themselves, something has to trigger it. And, you guessed it, it's your lifestyle. The food you put in your mouth is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of triggering genes. Research has proven this over and over again. We have control over this....our health is in our hands....we don't have to leave our health to chance.
Vegetables and fruits are loaded with hundreds, if not thousands of antioxidants and phytochemicals. These antioxidants and phytochemicals are like warriors in our bodies fighting off all the toxins we come in contact with on a daily basis. When we give our bodies all this ammunition, it's very easy to fight off all the poisons that we are bombarded with. Remember, we all have cancer cells floating around in our bodies...our bodies are "programmed" to fight them off and our body will, given the correct ammunition. The last thing we want to do is give the power to the cancer cells..remember, dairy, (casein the protein in all dairy), and sugar FEED cancer cells. Animal products are not only loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol, but remember, they are injected with antibiotics and hormones which wreak havoc on our body.
So, our goal is to eat more foods that are going to 'give our body a fighting chance', (literally), and less of the foods that 'feed the enemy'. Remember, nutrition can express or suppress genes...if high cholesterol "runs in your family", you want to be even more diligent in choosing the right foods. Cholesterol comes from 3 places...meat, dairy and oils...our bodies produce all the cholesterol we need to function...we do not need to consume one more ounce of it. And of course, cholesterol is not the only problem we have with animal products--they are linked to so many other killer diseases such as different types of cancers, stroke, kidney disease, and respiratory issues just to name a few.