We met for class last night, and I thought it was important to remind people why we are eating a WFPB diet....not only what foods we should be eating, but the reasons we are leaving all the unhealthy foods behind.
The World Cancer Research Fund just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion should rock the health care world: PROCESSED MEATS ARE TOO DANGEROUS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives!
Processed meats include: bacon, sausage, hot dogs, sandwich meats, packaged ham, pepperoni, salami, and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient called sodium nitrate. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Sodium nitrates result in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body which leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for all those who eat these foods.
A 2005 study done at the University of Hawaii found that processed meats increased the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%. This is alarming....why isn't this information being spread??
Here is a short list of food items that come packaged with sodium nitrates as well as MSG, another extremely harmful additive:
- Beef jerky
- Bacon
- Sausage
- Hot dogs
- Sandwich meats
- Frozen pizza with meat
- Canned soups with meat
- Frozen meals with meat
- Ravioli and meat pasta foods
- Kids meals containing red meat
- Sandwich meats used at popular restaurants
- Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, hospitals, theme parks, restaurants and hotels
Today the corporations that dominate American food and agricultural interests have TREMENDOUS influence over the USDA and the FDA. Consumers are offered no real protection from dangerous chemicals intentionally added to foods, medicines and personal care products.
You can protect yourself and your family from this cancer causing chemical by following a few simple rules:
- Always read ingredient labels
- Don't buy anything made with sodium nitrate or MSG
- Don't eat red meats served by restaurants, schools, hospitals, hotels or other institutions
One request I made to the people in my class last night was, "Please, if you don't eat anything else again, please let it be processed meats".....they are the most UNHEALTHY, CANCER CAUSING products you can put in your body.
Of course, the vitamins and antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits will PREVENT the formation of the cancer-causing nitrosamines giving you the protection your body needs. By eating vegetables and fruits, your body gets flooded with vitamins and antioxidants that offer us protection from not only the effects that sodium nitrate may have caused, but they protect us from HUNDREDS of toxic effects.
Fill your plate with vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains....I promise you, there won't even be a trace of sodium nitrate to be found.