As I have stated before, doctors are trained in diagnosing a disease and prescribing a pill to "treat it". However, there is more scientific evidence PROVING what eating a healthy diet can do to prevent disease, stop the progression of disease and many times reverse damage that has been done. People say there is so much confusion out there regarding nutrition. Well.....pay attention to WHERE this information is coming from.
All of my information comes from purely reputable sources, i.e., Harvard, Berkeley, The Cleveland Clinic, and Cornell, just to name a few. These institutions have nothing to GAIN by sharing with us their nutritional evidence.....they are not selling us anything...they are giving us unbiased information regarding nutritional excellence. They have no reason to give us misinformation. The nutritional information that comes out of all these scientific studies all show EXACTLY THE SAME RESULTS.....A WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET IS THE BEST DIET TO FEED YOUR BODY. Every single study done, which includes thousands and thousands of people, gives us the same conclusions.
There are doctors out there that truly do treat their patients using this philosophy......CURE the patient with diet excellence, and these doctors have thriving, extremely healthy patients.
What saddens me is there are so many people that really don't "believe" this way of thinking. They feel "OK" right now, they may have some aches and pains, low energy, catch several "colds", but think this is normal. Not until someone gets diagnosed with some sort of "scary disease", do they want to do everything in their power now to "fix" it. I find the sickest patients are now the people that will DO ANYTHING to cure themselves. Now they are grasping at straws and will do whatever it takes.
It doesn't have to be like this.....disease can be prevented from even starting.....all the evidence I spoke of earlier PROVES that. Eating a whole-food plant based diet is THE BEST DIET for: weight loss, heart disease, (which includes high blood pressure and high cholesterol), cancers, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, GI issues.....the list does not end! Again, scientific evidence proves this over and over again.
Why don't we have this information given to us on a daily basis? Why are we in a health care crisis? Why is heart disease still the #1 Killer in America? Why is cancer now becoming accepted as a "normal disease" with so many people being diagnosed with it, today more than ever? Why do we now have children with what used to be called Adult Onset Diabetes, but we had to change the name to Type 2 diabetes because we now are dealing with children as young as 9 with this disease?
There are several "answers" to these questions: all the processed and artificial "foods" we now eat, as well as the Meat and Dairy Industries.....they are extremely powerful associations with millions of dollars backing them....the "powers that be" within these organizations are so powerful that they decide what information will be given to the public regarding meat and dairy. They know the effects that meat and dairy have on the human body, but the results aren't quite portrayed as such. The same goes for the Food Industries making all the processed, artificial, chemical-laden food-like products....they also know what the artificial chemicals do to the human body...CEOs of companies have been quoted as saying that they don't allow their children to eat "this stuff". Their rationalization is, this is what the people want, this is what people are buying, so this is what we will give them.....it makes them lots of money....
So, come with me....put your money where your health is....choose REAL FOOD....buy lots of fresh produce, vegetables and fruits...choose whole-grains, kidney beans, black beans, red beans, white beans....eat a rainbow of colors everyday. In recent blogs I have given ideas on how to make your own "fast food"....but the difference is this is REAL FOOD FAST! It's easy, it's affordable, (more so than you think), any anyone can do this.
If everyone jumped on the wagon eating vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grains, we would be living a life pain-free, disease-free, and doctor-free for the most part.
So, what are YOU waiting for? Jump into my wagon and I will show you the way!!