Flaxseeds come from the plant Linum usitatissimum discovered thousands of years ago. The benefits of getting flaxseed in your diet are nothing short of amazing; however, I cannot tell you how many people have never even heard of flaxseed before. Here, once again, we have available to us something more powerful than any pill (that come packaged with all kinds of side effects), on the market today.
- Flaxseeds have shown to stop the growth of tumors in men with prostate cancer and women with breast cancer
- Brings down cholesterol levels
- Reduces risk of heart disease
- Full of antioxidants---ranked 9th among the top 100 foods high in antioxidant-rich nutrients (this is amazing!!)
- Improves blood pressure
- Aids in dropping blood glucose levels
- Full of fiber
- One of the most potent foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids...higher than any fish out there...who knew this?
These are just a few of the benefits found in these tiny little seeds. Where do you buy them? Every grocery store has them...they are usually found in bins in the bulk section, and are DIRT CHEAP!! You need to grind them up however before eating. If you eat them whole, they will just pass through your intestines--so, you need to grind them up in something like a coffee grinder or a blender, and grind only the amount you intend to use. When the flaxseeds are ground and exposed to air, they will start to oxidize, (picture an apple sliced and exposed to air--it turns brown), and you will lose some of the potency of the seeds. The recommended amount is about 2 tablespoons a day--after you grind them up you will have a flour-like consistency---it will be tasteless--just mix it in whatever you are having for breakfast such as a smoothie or oatmeal. You can also use it in baking--mix it in cookie batter, bread batters or muffin batters--anything. Studies have shown cooking with it does not change the molecular structure, therefore, you get all the benefits as you would eating it raw. Again, all you need to eat are 2 tablespoons a day.
In my opinion, we should have billboards everywhere telling us how something so inexpensive and easy to get, has the power to turn our health around. But, the reason we don't know about something like this is, who will benefit?? There is no big corporation out there who's pockets would be lined by society buying flaxseeds.......
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?