- 75% of our national $2.5 trillion health care budget is spent on chronic disease...that's $7010 per person.
Our current high-tech medicine used to treat these chronic Western Killer Diseases is no longer sustainable. BUT, there is HOPE--by teaching people to make lifestyle changes to prevent, stop and reverse these chronic diseases. People everywhere can live not only a healthy life, but the "Best Life".
What you eat affects all aspects of your being--probably more than anything else you do. Food can cause disease or prevent and reverse it. When you eat junk, you aren't nourishing your body, just your waistline.
The problem is, we are being "educated" by the food industry in regards to nutrition. That is very scary! Their main goal is to make money...they don't care if their "food" is healthy or not...it just needs to taste good so people buy it and lots of it. Another goal of the food industry is to make food fast and convenient for people...no need to cook or be tied up in the kitchen. They provide "meals" that come in a box...just follow the directions on the package and dinner will be on the table in a matter of minutes. Quick, easy, and hardly any mess to clean up....nutritional value....practically nothing! Unfortunately, this way of eating has become the "norm".
We have to take control over our own health, and we can do this very, very simply--by the foods we choose to eat. I know I say this repeatedly, but it has been proven over and over again! Because it sounds so simple, people tend to listen half-heartedly. We are programmed to listen to the advice of physicians on how to be healthy, but unfortunately, the majority of mainstream physicians are just not educated in nutrition---they are trained to diagnose a disease and prescribe the medication to "handle" the symptoms.
We have it all backwards! Our goal should be to prevent the disease from beginning in the first place...and this is very doable. There is so much research available proving what a HEALTHY diet (Whole Food Plant Based) can do for our body. Not only will a WFPB diet prevent disease from starting, it has the power to STOP a disease from continuing and many times REVERSE the damage that has already taken place. This can be accomplished with REAL FOOD, no medication required.
So, go to the grocery store and fill your cart up with REAL food found in the produce section...food that have no ingredient lists stuck on them such as leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, etc.), red, yellow, orange and green bell peppers, zucchini, squash, eggplant, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, onions, garlic, green beans, asparagus, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, butternut squash....and we haven't even touched on fruit yet! Bananas, all kinds of varieties of apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, cherries, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe.....the list goes on....
When you fill your cart with every color of the rainbow, you will be feeding yourself with so MANY different antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found only in plant foods, disease will not have a fighting chance. Take control of your health right now--get rid of the foods that are causing us to become fat, sick and tired (processed foods, meat and dairy), and replace these foods with vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, beans, nuts and seeds.
I am here to tell you, not only can you rid yourself from disease, get off medications, and have more energy than you ever thought possible, but the "side effect" from eating a WFPB diet is WEIGHT LOSS. The weight will just come off naturally...by eliminating the foods that not only cause disease and "feed" disease, but makes us fat, we get our health back....and really it is as simple as that....I get to witness this everyday with the people that have decided to dramatically change their eating habits and follow a WFPB diet.
And believe me, once you get to "feel" good again, there is no turning back......