Back to eggs....let me give you some information regarding information is from scientifically backed one has anything to gain from you by taking their one has anything to gain but YOU!
The Egg Industry wants you to believe eggs have absolutely no harmful effects...their "experts" try to come up with all kinds ways to entice consumers to eat more eggs. Their marketing department decided to target Moms, strategically placing egg advertisements around certain TV shows, one being The Biggest Loser. The Egg Industry's scientists were paid thousands of dollars to come up with an idea for a campaign to disassociate eggs from cholesterol.
Trying to separate eggs from cholesterol is impossible because eggs are the MOST CONCENTRATED source of CHOLESTEROL in our diet, and that's a FACT...unless you are eating beef brain...that is #1 (I can't make this stuff up!). If beef brains are not part of your diet, then eggs win the #1 spot for the most cholesterol. There are 212 mg of cholesterol in one egg...who eats only one egg at a time? Think about the last egg omelette you had...not to mention what it was cooked in...if you ordered an omelette at a restaurant, you can be sure it was cooked in lots of butter, adding to the cholesterol content.
The Egg Industry started advertising all kinds of misleading and deceptive information in regards to eggs. They went as far as stating that the USDA had changed their position in regards to eggs, that eating "x" amount per week was part of a healthy diet. Well.....the Egg Industry got BUSTED!!
The USDA never "changed their position" on eggs. When the Federal Trade Commission got wind of this false advertising, they ended up in the Court of Appeals. The Egg Industry blatantly denied the science behind eggs. Of course, the Egg Industry lost the battle...the conclusion was their so called "facts" were extremely misleading and deceptive....another words, their facts were nothing but lies.
By the way, the Tobacco Industry tried something like this in the past....we all know the effects of cigarette smoking...however, 50-60 years ago, supposedly no one knew the detrimental effects smoking causes on our body. Once again, pay attention to where the information you are listening to is coming from.
So, the bottom line for eggs....DO NOT EAT THEM....they are the MOST CONCENTRATED source of cholesterol in our diet today. Don't wait until you have to go through bypass surgery or have stents placed in your coronary arteries...stop eating them NOW and save yourself and your family from unnecessary heartache.