OK, the tip for today comes from Bob Harper...he says we need to eat apples and berries EVERY SINGLE DAY. Remember yesterday, I told you about apple peels.....Bob says if we want to make weight loss permanent, we need to abide by this rule. I discussed phytochemicals in a previous blog and how they protect us from toxins....well, it turns out apples and berries are rich in phytochemicals. The most important phytochemicals for us is called anthocyanins which is found in colorful fruits and vegetables. Then anthocyanins are powerful natural anti-inflammatories. They push down bad cholesterol and stop cholesterol's harmful effects on our heart and arteries. Also, for anyone concerned about the effects of aging, studies are being conducted now showing these anthocyanins slowing down the aging of our skin. So, we don't have to buy the $100 cream to stop the wrinkles, all we need to do is eat our phytochemicals that we buy in the produce department at our grocery store!!
Now, you ask, what about fruit and weight loss. Well, it turns out that fruit helps to stabilize the "friendly bacteria" in our gut, (we hear about this friendly bacteria in advertisements for probiotic drinks and yogurt), and when the bacteria is stabilized, it helps us to burn calories instead of storing calories, therefore, helps to prevent weight gain. The phytochemicals in apples and berries restore the balance of these "gut bacteria" helping us to burn those calories. And, apples and berries are much cheaper to buy, and much better for us, than those pricey probiotic drinks that are added with who-knows-what.
Frozen berries are just as good as fresh...sometimes when we buy fresh berries they can be mushy, pulpy and pricey. If you buy frozen berries, (I do all the time), make sure there is no added sugars or juice. Put them in your oatmeal, over your cereal, or whip up a fruit smoothie using the berries and some almond milk...delicious!
Ok, so on to today's menu...
Breakfast: Vanilla french toast and a make-your-own smoothie
Lunch: Spinach, beet, and orange salad with whole-grain bread or pita
Snack: Edamame
Dinner: Jamaican stir-fry over long grain brown rice, (or try quinoa)
Again, go to the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart website to get all the recipes above as well as many, many more. Mix and match, do whatever you like. As I said before, if you have time today make a batch of beans, or brown rice, or any other kind of whole-grain that you can use during the week for a quick, healthy dinner. Use left-overs to make a wrap for lunch the next day.
If anyone needs help with ANYTHING, please email [email protected] would love to hear from you!