Let's talk about breakfast...We hear it all the time, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to Bob Harper, (trainer for The Biggest Loser), he believes you will fail to lose weight and have control over your weight if you habitually skip breakfast. Researchers find that people who skip breakfast are more likely to eat too many calories later in the day--calories that come from bad foods. Bob also believes that you should eat within an hour of waking, AFTER a LARGE GLASS of WATER. He states that his experience with all the contestants on The Biggest Loser, this was often one of the hardest changes to make, but was non-negotiable. Dieters tend to believe that the fewer meals they eat, the more likely they will lose weight--Bob says it's a tough habit to break--Break it.
Don't have enough time to eat a healthy breakfast? It's easier than you may think. When I get to work, I make batches of my green smoothies for the entire building. You can make a batch in your blender, (the more powerful the blender the better), then freeze in portions to grab and go for the next day or two. My recipe is:
Ice cubes
Romaine lettuce
Kale and or spinach
Berries or pineapple or melon (any fruit you have on hand)
Flaxseed (filled with omega-3, binds to cholesterol in your blood and eliminates it)
Put about 5 ice cubes in the blender and blend. Add greens, blend. Cut up the fruit and add to the greens, blend. Add flaxseed and water. (You have to experiment with how much water you want..the more water the thinner the consistency of the shake, it's your preference). Blend until smooth.
This green smoothie is loaded with more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than your body has probably had in a long time! It is an excellent way to start the day, and so simple. Again, we have this EVERYDAY to start breakfast. For those who need more, (this is filling), have some oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins or low-fat granola for crunch. It's not that hard to do and, this will kickstart your metabolism for the day.
OK, so the menu for Day 10 is:
Breakfast: Fruit Salad and whole-grain toast with apple butter, (you can make your own very easily)
Lunch: Pita Pizza left over from yesterday or a veggie burger (again, homemade, or store-bought, watch ingredients)
Snack: Carrot and apple
Dinner: Penne al Forno and Collards with Almonds
Go to the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart website to get the above recipes as well as hundreds of more recipes. Anyone needing help with anything, or if you have questions or concerns, please e-mail me....I want you to be successful at this so you can FEEL what HEALTHY FEELS LIKE...I promise you, you will be amazed at what nutrition can do for you!!