I know, from elementary school and beyond, we have been suckered by the dairy industry to believe that their products are just what our body needs. Finally, nowadays many nutritionists have begun to question the wisdom and safety of this food because of all the scientific research done showing how harmful dairy is to human beings. For example, dairy can result in an extremely deficient immune system, cause brittle bones (just the opposite of what the dairy industry tells us), can cause rampant reproductive disorders, causes all kinds of allergies, skin disorders, and GI disorders. As a matter of fact, Frank Oski, MD, author of Don't Drink Your Milk, states that milk so alters the human body that he would like to see it placed on an official hazardous food list! Most recent studies conducted by Neal Barnard, MD and T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, have shown results that should have us pouring this white poison down the drain. Their work links dairy products to Type 2 diabetes, (now an epidemic), digestive problems, cancers and arthritis.
Now, I am a FIRM believer in our first food....mother's milk. It gives SUPERIOR NOURISHMENT to an infant. Milk has the same job, species to species, to create and nourish the young of THAT species. Mother's milk, no matter what species, human or animal, is DESIGNED for it's own species. To use the milk of one species to nourish another creates a tangled, confused crisis, to say the least.
Cow's milk, the most common choice for dairy food in our world has the job to BUILD COWS. The rich, creamy textures of dairy foods are the basis of their appeal.....they also create dependency...it's like you were never weaned. Think about it....you have a crisis, you console yourself with ice cream....can't sleep, have warm milk--it will knock you out. Dairy foods come from big, slow, dull animals.
Current marketing strategies call milk "the perfect food" based on the fact that it contains all the vital nutrients essential to life. That's true....any mother will create the perfect food FOR HER BABY. Where this thinking gets CRAZY is that the milk from cows, goats, rabbits cats or dogs is the perfect food for any species other than their own.
However, the key to understanding why dairy products are more harmful than good lies in understanding the role of lactase in the digestive process. Most of us hear about lactose and lactose intolerance, but lactase is critical. Lactase is an enzyme contained in the small intestine, with the job of breaking down the lactose in mother's milk. Lactase appears in an embryo's intestines during the last trimester, in preparation of digestion of mother's milk. Lactase naturally remains in the small intestine UNTIL THE BABY IS ABOUT A YEAR OLD. It then begins to wane, although it can remain active up to about 4 years old. With the dwindling production of lactase, our ability to digest lactose also dwindles. Here's where the trouble starts....when there is more lactose present in the intestines than lactase (needed to break down lactose), the lactose accumulates undigested in the large intestine where it ferments, causing various chemical reactions with the bacteria that is in there. Eventually, you have created a lactose-intolerant condition.
But, don't worry......there is a supplement you can take for lactose intolerance and just continue to consume all the dairy products you want......the dairy industry would have it no other way.......
The next HUGE HEALTH problem with dairy products....casein, the protein in dairy products....stayed tuned.....