One of my heros, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic, started REVERSING heart disease back in the 1980's....in terminally ill heart patients....with DIET ALONE!! Back in the 80's. Simple, effective, and non-expensive ways of promoting health gets no appreciation. As a matter of fact, when Dr. Esselstyn started to actually reverse the heart damage in his patient's, his fellow colleagues who were making boatloads of money on stents, bypass surgeries and other heart-related procedures, did not want to hear this. After all, they spent a better part of their lives in perfecting their skills....they did not want to hear that after all their training that the disease they were treating could now be PREVENTED AND REVERSED by eating oatmeal, broccoli and Brussel sprouts.....changing patient's diets was not going to bring in the kind of revenue these heart surgeons became accustomed to.
That was over 30 years ago and we are still ignoring the FACT that at least 80% of our diseases are DRIVEN by our TOXIC Western diet. All we need to do is eat the right foods and all these diseases never have to begin in the first place! However, if there is disease present, it can be REVERSED with the RIGHT FOODS. It is so simple it's scary.
Along with Dr. Esselstyn, there is Dr. T. Colin Campbell from Cornell University. This man wrote the China Study, which is the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted! These two men, along with a few other pioneering physicians provided us with a CLEAR roadmap to health. But, neither the Cleveland Clinic nor the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University are promoting this clear path. WHY? I've given you the answer many times.....there is no BIG MONEY to be made by treating disease with diet.
Just take a look at the above pharmaceutical CEO's compensation from 2011.....staggering. Who would want to give up that kind of money? I guess I understand that.....however, I believe patients need to be taught about diet...so many people just have very little knowledge, or no real knowledge at all as to what they should be eating. Most doctors themselves have not been taught on the subject of nutrition, so they can't really teach it either!
There are so many studies done that absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, will clearly show the miraculous results of eating the optimal Whole Foods Plant Based Diet. The testimonials of people that were diagnosed with some kind of horrific disease that educated themselves on a WFPB diet, or were fortunate enough to find Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Caldwell or one of their colleagues and helped them to REVERSE their disease and save their life....literally! It did not cost these patients anywhere near what the cost of bypass surgery would cost, or stent placement, or any other procedure....it cost them the price of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Both of these men, Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Esselstyn, in my mind should be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. They have clearly proven, with all their scientific research and clinical experience with patients, that our Top Killers in America, (heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc.), can be PREVENTED, STOPPED and REVERSED with the food we choose to put in our mouth.
And the sad truth is, neither one of these men, nor their colleagues, come close to those annual figures the CEO's get paid for making pills....
If you are thinking about transitioning to a whole food plant based diet, or would like to know more about this way of eating, please contact me....I would love to help you get the kind of HEALTH you deserve!!