There is NOTHING more powerful than nutrition--if the pharmaceutical companies could put into a pill what the right nutrition can do for a body, it would be a multi-billion dollar pill--but guess what, they can't--Big Pharma has already tried.
When we eat food, take for example and apple, there are 30,000 different substances in that apple, (scientists say there are even more that have not yet been discovered), all working together in harmony. Our body is designed to know exactly what to do with all those nutrients to keep us running strong. When scientists try to isolate nutrients from a food, that particular nutrient does not react the same way as it would coming from the whole food--all the other substances are missing. You can NEVER get from a pill what you will get from eating the whole food--EVER.
So you want to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reverse type 2 diabetes, prevent chronic disease from starting--the answer is so simple most people don't believe it--eat a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET.
Science has repeatedly proven this fact by reversing heart disease, diabetes, dropping blood pressure to normal, dropping cholesterol to normal, and, the best side effect from this--YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT WHETHER YOU EXERCISE OR NOT! Now I'm not saying don't exercise, of course we should all be exercising at least 30 minutes a day, BUT, if you follow this diet, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. PERIOD.
No counting calories, fats, carbs, portion control, calorie restriction, blah, blah blah--just eat the right food and watch the numbers on the scale drop.
What have you got to lose? Weight??
If you want to IMPROVE your HEALTH and LOSE WEIGHT, join me for a 30 Day Challenge which will begin on MAY 1st. This upcoming week we will start to prepare for this challenge--I will post all instructions on this site.
Should you decide to join us and DROP WEIGHT, please email me at: [email protected] so I know you are joining us and I can coach you along on this health promoting journey.
Stay tuned--tomorrow we will start preparing our kitchen.....