Because the animals are living in close quarters with all this waste literally everywhere, these animals are at a very high risk of getting sick. As a matter of fact, some animals are so sick that when brought to the slaughterhouse they can't even stand on their feet--they are too weak and sick. These animals are called "downers"...but don't worry, their meat will not be wasted....they will just use it to mix in the feed for other animals (putting these animals at risk for getting sick), use it in dog food, or maybe just use it as a by-product in hot dogs. (Please, if you never eat anything again, let it be hot dogs!)
But, NOT TO WORRY....the meat industry has everything under control. To combat all this potential illness of these animals, they just give them massive amounts of ANTIBIOTICS. They are injected into the animals as well as mixed in with the animal's food....this is standard protocol. If this was not standard practice, the meat industry would lose so many animals due to infections and sickness, their bottom line would be greatly impacted.
Because these animals are just inundated with antibiotics, (not to mention so many other chemicals such as hormones to make them bigger and produce more milk), the person eating the piece of meat also gets flooded with those same antibiotics. That means most Americans are on an antibiotic diet year round if they are eating meat once a day. Many people eat meat 2-3 times a day....
Each time you eat that piece of meat, you are killing off good and bad bacteria that resides in your gut....bacteria that is SUPPOSE to be there. So what? Well, let me tell you....when you get a bacterial infection that requires an antibiotic to treat it, the antibiotic doesn't work because your body has now become RESISTANT to it. You take one course of antibiotics, then another, and still you are sick. This is how "superbugs" are born. We have these drug-resistant bugs that antibiotics are no longer able to fight.
Statistics show that a new breed of these "superbugs" traveling around in hospitals have a 50% KILL RATE. There simply is not an antibiotic available today to kill them. The Food and Drug Administration reports that the antibiotic resistant rate is becoming a crisis.
In 2011, the manufacturers of antibiotics made 30 BILLION pounds of antibiotics for livestock ALONE....that means for 2011, 80% of total sales for antibiotics went to LIVESTOCK...the remaining 20% was for human consumption. The Center for Disease Control issued a report recently titled, Antibiotic Resistance Threat in the United States, 2013, which is a 114 page report outlining one of the most serious health threats to Americans in the future.
Every year in the US, at least 2 million people acquire serious infections by bacteria that are resistant to one or more of the antibiotics designed to treat those infections. At least 23,000 people DIE each year as a direct result of these antibiotic resistant infections. Many more die from other conditions that were complicated by an antibiotic-resistant infection.
It's too bad we can't SEE these organisms crawling around on our meat that's on our plate....and don't think because you are cooking the meat that you are cooking off the "bugs" or the antibiotics that meat contains....you are not. Those bugs are able to withstand extreme temperatures and the antibiotics....they are found in the muscle of the meat....those antibiotics are not going anywhere except inside you when you eat that meat.
How attractive does that piece of meat look to you now?