When the lump was detected, Ruth immediately had surgery to remove it. While recovering from surgery, Ruth was given the news that the tumor was malignant. The doctor told her the cancer had spread throughout the breast and into her bones and one lung. The prognosis did not look good.
Ruth decided she was going to do her own research on this and educate herself on how to best handle this diagnosis. She was reading the newspaper and saw an ad calling for volunteers to sign up for a breast cancer study involving diet. She signed up and met Dr. John McDougall in 1982...she left his office with instructions to follow a low-fat, vegan diet. That diet changed her life and she has been cancer-free....that was 3 decades ago!!
Since then, Ruth has completed the Ironman Triathlon SIX TIMES, run 67 marathons, (26.2 miles each), won more than 1,000 racing trophies, and has been declared "One of the Ten Fittest Women in North America". At age 74 she had the "fitness age" of 32. This is a women who had breast cancer which spread to her lung and bones....CANCER FREE!! Ruth wrote a book about her recovery called, A Race for Life: A Diet and Exercise Program for Superfitness and Reversing the Aging Process.
We all have cancer cells inside of us....from the air we breathe to the food we eat, to all the chemicals we are surrounded with daily. Our bodies are designed to attack these cells and get rid of them. However, when we give these cancer cells the environment they can thrive in, (acidic environment--meat), and we "feed" these cancer cells, (they love dairy and sugar), we are giving the cancer cells ammunition to multiply and take over. Our bodies become overwhelmed because we are feeding the enemy and giving our "defense cells" nothing to work with. Cancer is not a time to give up hope...it's a time for taking action. Ruth's recovery from cancer is an important example of how the body never stops in its efforts to heal itself, even after very serious damage.....IT CAN BE DONE!
Meat provides us with an extremely acidic environment, (not to mention provides us with a load of cholesterol, saturated fat and all kinds of hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals), the absolute best environment for cancer cells to thrive. Then, once we give these cells the perfect surroundings, we feed them the fuel they require, dairy and sugar. We need to cut off the supply of nourishment for these enemy cells as well as get rid of the perfect surroundings....the way to accomplish this...very simply, change the way you eat! It really doesn't get any easier.
Anyone that wants to give this way of eating a try and is not sure where to start...let me know...I would love to get you started. Remember, for anyone interested, I do have a few more spots available for my 12 week program. For more information, read my previous blog, The 12 Week Challenge. Who knows, it may save your life!!